News March: Chronos Miniatures CHM-54170, 54170(M) & CHM-75026


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It is for me somewhat enlightening that the responses of Mr. Troiani died down as soon as the issue with copyright infringement was solved. W. Britain seems to have the exclusive rights to market figures based on his paintings. Further thoughts about the quality of 3D-miniatures or real and supposed commercial threats for the copyright owner are just up to ourselves. Most probably Mr. Troiani is not following PF closely - otherwise he would not have blamed PF for supporting piracy so lightly - but was made aware of this release/thread by somebody else.
Sculptors for our market should draw their inspiration from great artists like Edouard Detaille, Carl Röchling, Angus McBride, Gerry Embleton and others and better avoid Mr. Troiani. A lesson that needs to be learned from time to time.
Needless to say that the intellectual property of other artists has to be respected likewise but I am optimistic that other living artists who provide us with so many excellent historical illustrations are more open to the reproduction of their work in 3D.
Cheers, Martin
Copying kits is a crime that hurts original artists & producers. Help support your favorite artists by buying their original works. PlanetFigure will not tolerate any activities related to recasting, and will report recasters to authorities. Thank you for your support!

Hmmmm….this sits at the top of the forums. No difference in my opinion than what Don is saying.
Is it when your staff is sort of 'sticky'...
asking for a friend.
Copying kits is a crime that hurts original artists & producers. Help support your favorite artists by buying their original works. PlanetFigure will not tolerate any activities related to recasting, and will report recasters to authorities. Thank you for your support!

Hmmmm….this sits at the top of the forums. No difference in my opinion than what Don is saying.

You paint that picture in your avatar then?
Copying kits is a crime that hurts original artists & producers. Help support your favorite artists by buying their original works. PlanetFigure will not tolerate any activities related to recasting, and will report recasters to authorities. Thank you for your support!

Hmmmm….this sits at the top of the forums. No difference in my opinion than what Don is saying.

Already written above that the problem with the use of the image between the two sides has already been solved. I do not understand why beat about the bush, if everything is already over, and I still do not understand what the phrase is about copying kits, if the situation here is somewhat different.

However, those who wish to discuss the same thing, even when the parties have accepted a satisfactory decision, can continue to do it - the PR for the Don pictures and for the kit from Chronos will only be more, the circulation will sell faster, the kit will be removed from production faster, favor both sides.
I have the most profound respect for people who create art and try to make a living out of it (a difficult and laborious task in any age).During the last decades many reknowned modellers have used the artwork of great painters either as inspiration or as "guide" in order to create Show-winning dioramas.No mention on copyright in these cases.Presumably because the work of great painters of the past is now public domain or perhaps because the resulting figures/dioramas are not intended for commercial use (what about modellers who sell their award winning pieces for high prices to collectors?Does a painter have a legitimate claim on their earnings if they have used his artwork as a prototype?).Should a figure company search frantically in each and every case in order to discover if royalties are due?Chronos has recently released a beautiful figure of a bagpiper ,copying a well known work by Albrecht Durer.Should they have contacted the museum owning the original artwork to ask if the image is royalty free?
Most figure companies are "cottage size" affairs,paying royalties could either result in them shutting down or in raising the final price of their products to levels unacceptable for the average modeller.What about the argument in reverse?Isn't a release like this a form of advertisement for the artist and his original works?I know mr Troiani and his works (and highly admire them) but had no idea whatsoever of the painting in question.Now I do,thanks to Chronos and PF.
A final word on the subject,in the past veritable giants on the field like Andrea (back in the day their manufactory in Spain was the size of a medium industrial unit) or Pegaso regularly released figures based on film characters even using the faces of the actual actors.Have they ever paid royalties?Or did they just "bypass"this slippery ground by calling their figures "The Cimmerian" (when it was clearly Conan and Arnold Schwarzeneger's face ) or "the monster " (Frankenstein as portrayed by Boris Carloff) and the likes?
I am not taking any sides on this one,just wanted to offer a couple of "different angles from which to view this whole argument" and perhaps some food for thought.
