Steve Brodie
PlanetFigure Supporter
References to eagle hunting in Central Asia can be found even in the works of Marco Polo, who wrote about Kublai Khan’s falconry hunting expeditions. The practice is ancient, but it is much less practiced today. However, it’s enjoying a resurgence in popularity thanks to the growing desire of the people to preserve their cultural identity;
On opening the padded package you are presented with a sublime black box, sealed with ribbon and a wax seal;
It looked so good, I was thinking of leaving it as it was, but a couple of cuts on the side of the ribbons and you can open the lid and then you have another surprise, this time two ornamental bird feathers;
Once you remove this foam lid you get to the box innards, covered in black paper ribbons. Placed on top a hand written note from the team;
The largest part of the model is a large piece of the horse, running from the mane to the rump of the horse, including the legs of the father, a couple of the reigns from the bridal, it measures out at just under 8cm;
The detail is sharply cast, with a nice dip for the child to sit in;
The father again is a lovely piece of sculpting and moulding, he measures just under 6cm tall;
The face has some excellent details sculpted by the very talented Mujin Park , you can definitely see he is of Mongolian descent, the head has lots of nice folds and creeses;
The arms come as two separate pieces with large plugs which fit very snugly to the corresponding sockets within the body, no filler needed here at all. The gap is due to bluetack holding them in place;
The right arm has the claws of the Eagle moulded in situ on the gloved hand, with two little plugs for the eagle to be attached to, again sculpting and casting is superb;
The left arm, has part of the childs let hand cast in place, which lines up with the left arm of the child;
Just a bit of cleanup required
Continued in next post ................

On opening the padded package you are presented with a sublime black box, sealed with ribbon and a wax seal;

It looked so good, I was thinking of leaving it as it was, but a couple of cuts on the side of the ribbons and you can open the lid and then you have another surprise, this time two ornamental bird feathers;

Once you remove this foam lid you get to the box innards, covered in black paper ribbons. Placed on top a hand written note from the team;

The largest part of the model is a large piece of the horse, running from the mane to the rump of the horse, including the legs of the father, a couple of the reigns from the bridal, it measures out at just under 8cm;

The detail is sharply cast, with a nice dip for the child to sit in;

The father again is a lovely piece of sculpting and moulding, he measures just under 6cm tall;

The face has some excellent details sculpted by the very talented Mujin Park , you can definitely see he is of Mongolian descent, the head has lots of nice folds and creeses;

The arms come as two separate pieces with large plugs which fit very snugly to the corresponding sockets within the body, no filler needed here at all. The gap is due to bluetack holding them in place;

The right arm has the claws of the Eagle moulded in situ on the gloved hand, with two little plugs for the eagle to be attached to, again sculpting and casting is superb;

The left arm, has part of the childs let hand cast in place, which lines up with the left arm of the child;

Just a bit of cleanup required

Continued in next post ................