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I agree! A 90mm knight from Ray would have been incredible and surely on this list. I've been looking for the Hinchliffe Gothic Knight for about 2 years now. Never even shows up on eBay.

Very interesting question!!.
When I was young (cough,cough),sorry.When I started in this hobbie,painted
many figures of Hinclife Figures from Julian Benassi,Alan Caton from Tradition
ChassC.Staden they are more populars in Spain.
But the firts figure to bewitch me ,definetly are The superb Fench Courassier
from R.Lamb in 90mm,and the horse too!!.Inredible figure!!.
In 54,I remenber Clif Sanderson with hers Araibian nights or the famous "The
Leva".British Navy "searching" volunteers...
The models of C.Richards from Phoenix;The Victorians,Napoleon advancing...
They are good times,when I was impresive.
Anyway,we got a fascinatting hobbye tha fixed many" brains & Hands" all
over the world,congratulations between us!!! :lol:

And what about Barton's figures? I had a 90mm British para in full jump kit from them, and remember their excellent musketeers.

I still have one of the old Historex Agents' catalogues and every once and then i spend a couple of minutes looking at the pics on it: Sovereign, Almond, Grieve, Chota Sahib, Barton...i think i'm going to cry!
How about the old Hollywood Classics by Superior rendered by another Ray Lamb.
I was lucky enough to find a handful of them in the back of a display case in a now defunct hobby shop in Sunnyvale. Got Humphrey Bogart as Rick/Casablanca, Clark Gable as Rhett Butler/GWTW, and Spencer Tracy as Frank Skeffington/the Last Hurrah. I still kick myself for not getting the Charles Laugthon/ Henry VIII at the same time.
For me, I always wanted the Series 77 Viet Nam Green Beret. I have gotten it a few times(twice, recently on ebay) and both castings have lead rot.

Does anyone else here ever buy figures now, because we are afraid they will not be around in the years to come? As was pointed out, the PM kits future is in question now, does anybody else look at the kit and say hmmmm... if I don't buy it now, will I be able to in the future?
I think it was a Series 77, but I always wanted the mounted US Marine and then there was the Gordon Relief Expedition-Heavy Camel Corps figure as well...(can't remember who had that one) These were back in late 70s and 80s.

Best wishes
I’ve always made an effort to occasionally do a “classic” or at least older figure every year or so. This also thins out my grey army, at least temporarily.

I just finished Keith Durham’s mounted Border Reiver from Border Miniatures, one of my favorites and a joy to build and paint. Others I’ve done have been the Barton Miniature of the Mounted Landsknecht, Ceremonial Studio’s Mounted Mameluke (on rearing horse firing a pistol---I put some extra steel rods in the legs as this one would sag), the Phoenix Mounted Garde Chasseur a Cheval Officer, Poste Militaire’s Mounted Orleans Standard Bearer, and the figure that turned me on to this hobby to begin with, the Almond Polish Winged Hussar. Some of the figures mentioned above by others await my attention in my closet, however, including Capt. Manhes. I still have a lot of Historex that I’ll probably never get to, but want to do Poste Militaire’s Conquistador, Beneito’s Piquero Espana 1498, Grieve’s Private, 1st Regt. of Foot Guards, and an old classic 75mm of Von Zeiten (forget who made it), etc, etc.

Yes Jim, I've been snapping up all the Poste Miltaire I can get my hands on, along with some more recent Le Cimier, and Metal Modeles.
:) TO AL: Ciao, I'm so very fan of a olds figures. I wanted HENRY V of BURTON MINIATURE . If someone he wannna can sell me this kit, or tell me wher I can buy, I'm so very happy. please hel me. MERRY CHRISTMAS at all friend of planet figure. ciao Luca Olivieri

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