One for the Samurai enthusiasts


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Wonder what came out if you prompted a Zulu Warrior or something like that...

This -

Common sense prevailed at last but it goes to show where things are headed. It has also been pointed out that A.I. programs have no inherent agenda - they only generate images based on the data and parameters fed into them by the programmers,- so what does that tell you about Google?

Unfortunately woke has won and I'm glad I was born when I was because things are only going to get much worse. This nonsense is literally everywhere now.

The saddest (and most dangerous) thing is that we no longer have an education system. We have an indoctrination system instead.

- Steve
Unfortunately woke has won and I'm glad I was born when I was because things are only going to get much worse. This nonsense is literally everywhere now.

The saddest (and most dangerous) thing is that we no longer have an education system. We have an indoctrination system instead.

- Steve

True, but there's still hope. The public response to the A.I. debacle shows that. The Movie industry in America is crumbling because of it, If you follow the comic book industry the same is happening there and many corporate companies are changing course because of lost profits. We just need to maintain a voice in the process and speak up whenever stupid policies are forced on us or the kids. I don't have kids (Hallelujah!), but if I did I'd certainly be keeping my eye on the literature and silabusses they are being fed.
A lot of my friends are still oblivious to what's going on, they can still watch a new Disney film or Amazon series and not see the blatant messages being pushed. Social trends are to some extent cyclical - it should calm down. The old phase "it only takes a good man to say nothing for evil to flourish" can be applied here too.

Unfortunately woke has won and I'm glad I was born when I was because things are only going to get much worse. This nonsense is literally everywhere now.

The saddest (and most dangerous) thing is that we no longer have an education system. We have an indoctrination system instead.

- Steve

Agree 100%


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