NPI miniatures


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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Hi guys, I found a mounted Louis XIV figure at a online shop produced by NPI miniatures, I am very interested in it, but never heard of this manufacturer before, I was wondering any of you ever painted the figure released by PNI before? and how its casting quality?

Thanks a lot ;)
Dear Yi, I have this figure which is now nearing the "to do next" position! I obtained it from Berliner Zinnfiguren. If you are not familiar with this firm, it is an old (1934) established firm of figure suppliers based in Berlin. They have an amazing catalogue of flat and round figures, Da Vinci brushes, books and much more. As to the figure itself, it is made from a pewter alloy, beautifully cast. Of course I can only comment on my figure but as far as I can see the fit of the parts seems very good. The firm of NPI has a number of other figures available on the Berliner site but I have not actually seen them so cannot comment. Here is a site address of a Russian painter who has finished the figure to a very high standard. I hope that this information was useful to you.
Kind regards
Hi Paul, thank you very much for your comment! It is very useful to me. I firstly saw this figure on the Figurines issue 100, and totally amazed by its detail. Look forward to see your paint work!

Kind regards:)