Paul, are you aware of the works of the French 19th century artists Eugene Titeux and Auguste de Moltzheim? They are the masters of Restoration uniforms in my opinion. I have 4 original Titeux prints. They are wonderful. Although Bertrand Malvaux sells them, he is quite pricey. I bought mine from: Soldaademohler | Objets d'Histoire & histoires d'objets They are great to deal with. As an aside,
you really must visit La Musee d'Armee in Paris.
Thanks Kevin.Hi Paul
That’s a mighty fine piece of modelling , love the pose and details
Not sure but perhaps a touch too much cuff/ wrist showing on right arm .......just a bust painters mumble
Looking forward to seeing this with paint appearing
Happy brushes
Yes, I suspect for the Napoleonic period accurate isn't quite as accurate as we often think. In fact, if the button counters could actually observe a real Napoleonic battle they'd probably have a fit at how inaccurate the whole thing was.No idea about the saddle cloth chevron but as some of the reference material was built on illustrations that were painted well after the period then ambiguity easily creeps in. The other course if action of course is to ask any doubters to definitively prove such decorations never saw the light of day!
Thank you very much for all the positive replies folks - much appreciated. The other worry I had about the figure - apart from the over generous cuff - was the chevron saddle cloth ornament. I was pretty sure I'd seen it on quite a few senior officer, light cavalry saddle cloths but when I came to check I couldn't find it anywhere. Does anyone else remember ever having seen it or did I dream it? If any of the button counters come after me I'm going to plead 'non-regulation private purchase' or that things went a bit pear shaped uniformwise during the 100 days.![]()
A ha! I *knew* I'd seen it somewhere. It may be for officers attached to the staff (which my officer could be) or for dandies with more money than sense (and he could be that too). Thank you Nap - appreciated.Hi Paul
Like you I have seen a chevron on saddle cloth ...been looking through a lot of books ....not a Chasseur but from the Cdt Bucquoy series of books ......
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Thanks Steve...on it.Excellent, excellent! Standing by for the brush work![]()