Review Officer 9th East Norfolk Regt from Elan 13


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all

As you might know the owner of Elan13 (Rob Lane) ran a poll recently asking what members would like to see sculpted , and after everyone voted the result was then sculpted and cast .

I was lucky enough to get a pre production casting from Rob and this is what I present here today to you .

As a result of PF involvement and Robs most kind offer to sculpt he is offering a massive reduction in the normal price of £25 to a wallet tickling £12 !!!
This normal price will be the website one for purchase after Euro Miniature Expo on 16/17th September.

The box art and PF offer was announced here by Rob:

The subject depicts an officer from the Regt in a hot climate ( they served in Martinique in 1794 ) .......not much concession to the heat though , standards were maintained by officers !!


Lets have a bit of information on the Regiment

The Regiment was known as the Royal Norfolk Regiment for only twenty-four years. Initially, regiments were known by the name of their colonel, then in 1747 a numbering system was introduced and this Regiment became the 9th Foot.

The first link to Norfolk was made just under 100 years after the Regiment was formed and became The 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment . In 1881 all numbered infantry regiments were given stronger geographical links and a fixed regimental depot. Thus the Regiment became 'The Norfolk Regiment' and Britannia Barracks were built in Norwich as headquarters for recruiting, training and accommodation for the soldiers.

Like all regiments the 9th Foot carried flags called Colours, so called because of the diverse colours chosen for different regiments. Colours were a rallying point for soldiers and to show the regiment's position to the generals directing a battle. They became important regimental symbols and were fiercely defended.

On display in the museum are the Saratoga Colours, so called because they were rescued from capture by the Americans at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777.

The Regimental Chapel at Norwich Cathedral
Early battle honours:
Seven Years War (1756-1763)
Belleisle, Havanah
French Revolutionary War (1793-1805)
Peninsular War (1808-1814)
Rolica , Vimiera, Corunna, Busaco, Salamanca,Vittoria, St.Sebastian, Nive,Peninsula



According to regimental tradition Queen Anne awarded the figure of Britannia to the Regiment for gallantry displayed at the Battle of Almanza in 1707. However, there is no documentary evidence for the award until 1799 when the Colonel of the 9th Foot received the following letter:

Horse Guards
30th July 1799

Sir, I have received His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief's directions to signify to you that His Majesty has been pleased to confirm to the ninth Regiment of Foot the distinction and privilege of bearing the figure "Britannia" as the badge of the Regiment.

I have, etc

(Signed) H Calvert

Adjutant General

The Royal Norfolk Regiment hold an anniversary on 25 April for the Battle of Almansa which they inherited along with the regimental nickname of the "Holy Boys" from the 9th Regiment of Foot. They gained the "Holy Boys" nickname during the Peninsular War by a Spanish soldier seeing the badge of Britannia on their cap badge as thinking it was the Virgin Mary.

The sculpt is based on the Right hand figure in the plate above


Here are some books you might find of interest :

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Continued in next post

Lets look at the Resin

Details of the release:

Title: Officer 9th East Norfolk Regt 1793

Reference: N/A

Scale; 1/12th

Material: Gray Resin

No of Pieces: 4

Sculptor: Rob Lane

Box Art: Edward Sage

First Impressions

Despite being pre production casting the quality in the sculpting is very evident , Rob has a really nice touch when sculpting in my opinion , very good with details although as he says " figures sculpted with love and swearing and occasionally being thrown around" ....LOL

The resin was handed to me in a clear bag , I think the production ones might be in a clear fold over container with the box artwork included of course.

Parts consist of the main torso , hat , scarf piece and a plume.

Rob 001.jpg


Main Torso.....Sand off casting excess from underneath torso and arms , tiny casting line on lower edge of uniform and a air hole on tip of nose ( on this a pre pre production piece) ...all easy to deal with

Hat...Remove casting plug from under brim

Scarf...Slight Sanding...on lower edges and dry fit .

Plume... Fit to hole at top/front of hat

General comments

I would suggest you re drill the small hole to take the plume and not fit the scarf to allow for painting , you might also prefer to dry fit the hat and place once painted to allow full access to the face and brim.

You will need to tink about baing up and drill a hole underneath if that's your option

After such a simple amount of prep its on with the resin parts

Main Torso

Wearing the full uniform buttoned over the reveal the facing colour and lace at the top together with the cross belt and the gorget , with epaulettes and a scarf tied at his neck, he also wears a powdered wig .

The uniform details are sharply done , good definition on the lacework both on the facings and the collar, with nicely rounded buttons .
Rob 002.jpg

The cross belt is running across at an angle and is nicely scaled in depth , on it we have the belt plate an oval and it clearly shows the regimental insignia of Britannia , all is well done , the trident, her shield , the sprig in her hand .....a real nice bit of detail work here .

Rob 012.jpg
Just above but under the neck cloth we have a part of the gorget and again clearly sculpted is the visible R of the GR which was on it , above this we have a crown .

The neck cloth is tied and sits well , nice folds in place as well , just under this there can be seen a rosette , one on each side ..this was at the top of the gorget , the detailing of this is again well shown

The folds and creases are in the correct position for the arm position , nicely worked and not over emphasised.

Rob 008.jpgRob 007.jpgRob 004.jpgRob 003.jpgRob 009.jpg Rob 006.jpg Rob 005.jpg

The epaulettes are also both really nicely done with nice details on the strap and the style of the fringe again good.

Rob 011.jpg Rob 010.jpg

The face is a young and well bred gentleman , perhaps his commission was bought initially by the family , either way he has that look about him with the features being well up to Robs standard , eyes are full and with not mis shaped , we have crows foot lines , adding a little bit of interest to this area , the nose is prominat and a good shape.

Our subject wears a powdered wig , very well coiffered pulled round at the back into a ribon , under thsi we have long side whiskers , the texture work on both the wig and the side hair is well done . ....a shame really the the wig is virtually hidden when the scarf is in place.....I have had a brainwave ...I might rework the scarf a bit so its blowing in the wind to reveal the lovely work on the wig .


This is a very distinctive piece of head wear , no doubt influenced by the civillian fashion at the time , a rounded hat wide brimmed ( protection against sun ) , wrapped around the lower edge we have a scarf edning at the rear by a rather nice bow , the brim of the hat is not over thick, and we have a cockade at the front , sculpted with Robs usual flair .

Rob 014.jpgRob 015.jpgRob 016.jpgRob 017.jpg Rob 013.jpg


This is the "tails of the scarf , well shaped and sitting spot on when in place , cleverley placed so as to allow for the sit onto the back of the head , fit is very good indeed .

Rob 018.jpgRob 020.jpgRob 005.jpgRob 019.jpg


A small plume , textured again , fit into the hole at the top of the hat is easy , you might wish to enlarge this slightly .

Rob 021.jpg

Final Thoughts

For me this is a fine subject choice , as its napoleonic and interesting to paint , nicely sculpted and will paint up well ( as we can see in Edwards box artwork) , there are potential for conversions and thats something I will look at ! With minimal prep and a not too taxing uniform but well detailed the modeller can ask for no more so enjoy.

For more details and to order go to



Or Message Rob via PF

Lets have the box art by Edward Sage now .....look forward to seeing this at Euro .


Thanks to Rob for letting me look at this closely I look forward to painting it .

Of course a special thanks to you all for looking in as well

Don't forget Euro Miniature Expo , Rob will be there with this and all of his range together with demo of painting talent by Mark Taylor of another new release.

Happy Painting

A Superb review Nap but there again I am biased ( part of my old Regiment) I have already sent a PM to Rob as I cannot get to Euro this year:cry:. I cannot wait to paint this one.
Some very good reference books too. As an aside the Regimental quick march is "Rule Britannia"
Hi Guys

Thanks for the comments ....

Geoff ..nice to have a bit of scarlet as you say ..look forward to seeing your version

Bob ...cheers nothing wrong with being biased mate , cheers for the March details have till BC to paint ...mine and hopefully Geoffs will be there good to see how we all do

Chris ...thank you ..I do like Robs sculpts ....still no legs for you here mate !..LOL

Happy painting
