** Official Atlanta Thread **


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It was another great Alan and Marion Show. Their diorama "The End of Dreams" won best of show. The show was well attended, and there were lots of super high quality entries. Alan Ball gave a very informative seminar on sculpting. Photos of the winning entries are being posted on the Atlanta Miniatures Figure Society website AMFS and all winners should be posted by next week. Gold winners in the open division were Alan and Marion Ball, Bill Chilstrom, Matt Springer, and Al Safwat. Winners of gold in the painters division were Matt Springer, Randy Meyers, David Hood, Jim Patrick, Ray Farugia, Jaume Ortiz, Bill Chilstrom, Konrad Schulte, Kreston Peckham, Bob Sarnowski and Marion Ball.

I saw ay least one member of the Planet taking pictures so he should have some posted here soon.
The Atlanta site has some nice pics from the show. i'm looking forward to seeing any others that show up. It looks as if there were a lot of Revolutionary War pieces there.~Gary
Hi guys,

The Atlanta folks are very thorough and do a quality job, but for those like me who require a measure of instant gratification and untill they can get all their pics up you can view some of those I took here:


I have an addtional 50 or so that wil be added in the next few days.

I had a great time - again. Even though I'm moslty a "lurker" on these sites I enjoyed meeting Anders, Rhodes, Jim P. (keep your son away from Deadwood on HBO!) and Bob T.

I was there and took a lot of pictures. I had to leave on some "official" buisness within 6 hours of getting home so I haven't had time to do anything with them. Give me a day or two and I'll have them up ;)

Jim Patrick
Like Pete said, it was another great show in Atlanta!

It seamed to me like there were whole lot of people there browsing the show room and the vendors area during the whole day saturday, more then last year I think.

Marion and Alan brought it again this year, winning Best of Show for the 4th time in a row (I think).

Conrad Schultze (sp?) had 3 sets of magnificant flats on display that the Ball's brought with them and what eye candy they were!

There were also quite the vendor room with a great representation of pretty much anything that you would want to pick up.

And as always, the best part was to hang out with fellow figuteers and talk about or great hobby. I had the pleasure to meet many new people that only were familiar through these forums, and I cant say enough how good the internet forums are to 'break' the ice when you meet someone in person for the first time, you always have something to talk about!

I would suggest that if you get a chance, or even just thinking about going next year, do it! You wont be disapointed.

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