OIF figures from Warriors - Update


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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2004

We are beginning to "Gear Up" the figures, this can be very confusing because there seems to be very little standardazation from Marine to Marine. The Marine Corps Historical Branch has provided us with several hundred color photos from the O.I.F. campaign and I swear that no two Marines are dressed alike? Especially in the more recent battles (referred to as O.I.F.-II). It has been reported that the MOLLE web gear failed miserably and the Marines in the field were forced to make field modifications to it to get it to be useable at all. A new type of web gear was hurridly designed and rushed over to IRAQ. My stateside contacts say that they never even saw it and have no idea what it looks like. A fair amount of "personally purchased" aftermarket gear has also found it's way to the battlefield in IRAQ.

All input, even spirited/lively debate is helpful, so please feel free to contribute. As my friend Dan Clover always says, "It's all good". We will keep you posted on the progress of these first four figures. Then it's on to a USMC AAVP7/AFV O.I.F. Vehicle Crew for Warriors.


David & Bill

By the way, the color photo shown above is an Army 3rd ID trooper in IRAQ on April 3rd of '04. I can't tell, but it looks like he has the old style tubular stock on his weapon? Or is this a different weapon?
Looking good Bill!

Yeah, it seems the MOLLE webbing was comfortable and lightweight, but maybe abit too light weight. It would rip and self-destruct in the field. Most of the pics I've seen, have Marines hanging their pouches and gear directly off the loops of their Interceptor body armor.

BTW, if these Marines are wearing Marpats, they should have sleeve pockets.

Talking about variety of weapons in the field, I've seen a couple of pics of a Marine in Fallujah, carrying a captured, WWII Soviet PPSh-41 sub-machine gun
David & Bill,

Your USMC figures look great! You also hit on an important point, when it comes to Marines (and I suppose it's the same with Army troops as well) being in the field, there are few restrictive guide lines and the wearing of gear becomes based on an individual need. When I served as a Scout/Sniper during the 80's, my entire unit altered a set of BDU's for easier access to pockets while pulling ops in the field without problems from higher Company/Battalion or Regimental Command. There is no doubt that the Marines and Army troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to wear their gear based upon individual need and have been successful doing so. For you guys, I would imagine as sculptors the individual wearing of gear can be tedious to research. It has obviously paid off.

A very hardy OORAH and SEMPER FI!

Dave Neary

Painting camo is easy, you just have to take that first step right after you find some good reference photos. It's all a state of mind. Right now, I've got three busts on the workbench that have camo uniforms and a 4th bust that needs a camo paint job on the way in the mail. I'm going to be one camo painting %#@$.

Here's a couple of internet sites for ref:

Originally posted by bchilstrom@Feb 1 2005, 04:41 PM

By the way, the color photo shown above is an Army 3rd ID trooper in IRAQ on April 3rd of '04. I can't tell, but it looks like he has the old style tubular stock on his weapon? Or is this a different weapon?
To me, the 3rd ID gunner's SAW, appears to have the collapsible butt-stock in the extended position.

Here are some good reference photos.
Hi Bill, I'm not much of a modern Warfare themes Guy but love your work, Where can I see more Warrior Kits or buy them?

Thanks Bill looking forward to see it finish.
Thanks all for the input, you guys never let us down. It is appreciated.

Eduardo, you can find the complete Warriors product line at modelmecca.com
He's looking good Bill! What kind of head gear will he be wearing? Goggles on the helmet or over the eyes? And speaking of weapons, I saw video on CNN the other night showing Army or Marines on a raid, one guy was armed with an AK rifle that he appeared to have mounted a flashlight on.
My figures like my academic career are 19th C. focused, with the exception of anything D-Day related, but these figures are very cool.
Regardless of the "inaccurate SAW," I'm definitely buying these :)

That was footage of the 10th. Mountain. I saw two troopers in it with AK74's and one with a PKM. Talk about a cool vignette ;)
The figures will each have the goggles on their helmets. Since these are so very rarely worn on the eyes, we will probably have them with a cover on the helmet. The SAW is actually accurate for OIF, we just talked to an OIF vet who supplied a photo, posted over on the planet armor version of this topic, which was taken in Aug of last year, showing the tubular stock in action. Apparently it is not extremely common, but it is there. Several other active USMC individuals have also contacted us to say that they are being used especially as replacement parts when the weapons are serviced or repaired.

We are making the stock a seperate piece, so we can use the solid one on future projects. The Marines are also using the AK47's for close quarter combat inside of buildings. It is not uncommon to see a Marine with his M16A2 in hand and an AK slung on his back. A nice touch.
You rock, and are on track...
Your Vet from OIF is the expert and heeding his guidance is spot on! For all the pundits debating this and that about these figures, they need to take a deep breath and realize that it aint a perfect world...
Can't wait to see these beautes when they are finished...

So, Petey, you thinking of doin a lil modern camo, my brother?

All the best

Bill, any time frame on release for these figures?

BTW Bill, just wanted to say, I REALLY liked your piece with the 3 bayonet charging Marines, that you had at the Chicago show. Was that inspired by the Kevin Lyles painting?
Originally posted by Pete_H@Feb 2 2005, 10:25 AM
I'm already practicing my 1/35 "digital" painting ;)
Yeah, me too...on an old figure. Seems like it might not be too bad, but I'm open to hearing any "tips".
Originally posted by Chazman@Feb 2 2005, 03:38 PM
Bill, any time frame on release for these figures?

BTW Bill, just wanted to say, I REALLY liked your piece with the 3 bayonet charging Marines, that you had at the Chicago show. Was that inspired by the Kevin Lyles painting?
Thanks Chazman,

I plan on having this first two figure set done by Monday (Feb 7). The second set will follow by the following Monday and then the USMC AAVP7/AFV Crew - O.I.F. by the Monday after that. Warriors still has to get them into rubber and do the production runs for all three sets, get them painted and photographed, have labels printed etc. So I would expect them in April or May.

Big Country, if you are listening, are you still up to painting the boxart???

And yes, the three Vietnam Marines piece was inspired by the beautiful Kevin Lyles artwork.