A Fixture
Well ladies and gents the Olympics are on their way to Rio now so what are our thoughts on the last two weeks, the closing ceremony and how team GB performed then?
The lessons have been learned - spend more money, win more medals.
I totally agree Del to see some of those women competing from countries that would never have allowed such a thing before has to be a huge step forward in the world.Apart from Seb Coes Churchillian posturing I thouroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.
The GB team performed really well but for me highlights were not all about winning, it was amongst other things the fact that women from countries
like Saudi and Iran competed for the first time....that takes courage
Bang on Carl. Your suggestion re Boris is great.....I'm adding a further event to my portfolio for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games.... shooting polititians with crossbows supplied by various pawnshops all wiped and untraceable....the more senior the politician the higher the tariff.They should have given Coe a medal for Sycophancy, and that tool Boris would have been better used as a target for the shooting/archery events.
The UK, like the rest of the world is on its **se, yet we're finding an additional £125 million sports funding. If you want to do a sport, don't expect the tax payer to pick up the bill.
Other than that, I think we did well, but I'm glad it's over.
Very good point much more investment is needed in treatment of trauma and the rehab of servicemen and their families and indeed in many other areas of need ...are the olympics Weapons of Mass out Switzerland the US and UK are keeping an eye on your WMDs, the inspectors are renewing their passports as we speakThe only part of it that I thought followed the true spirit of what the olympics should stand for was the first female british boxer to win a gold medal(although I am against women boxing)..... what a genuinely likeable person and an inspiration to all young people ...good for her...the rest just seemed to me to be lining there own pockets for years to come .... now watch all the vested interests claim vicariously there own, by way of gender,nationality or any other minority the happen to attatch themselves to...think the money would have been better spent helping our armed forces get over the trauma of being sent to war....
That's another one for my Glasgow events, competitors each with 2 off lead pit bulls throw fluorescent frisbees into groups of jakies 'picknickers' (buckie and a scotch egg) at Glasgow Green....winner is competitor whose dog doesn't get eaten by the jakies.And who knew the European Dog Frisbee Championships have just been held in Poznan? I would've liked to have seen the BBC dedicate just a few hours to proper sport.
I'm with you on this completely. One of my mates teaches a young lad who will be competing. Born with what to many of us would seem to be overwhelming physical challenges he has just received an excellent set of results in his school exams all whilst getting up at the crack of dawn every day to travel 20 miles to train and is bursting with pride and determination to represent his country and do his best as will all the atheletes participating.I was an 'Olymposceptic' but seeing the amazing grit, determination and sportsmanship shown by so many, I changed my mind. A few friends had tickets and they all commented on the superb organisation and atmosphere. My greatest pleasure was seeing the joy on the faces of those who never expected to win a medal, but managed to do so. It also showed up our soccer players as being incompetent, overpaid,and hopeless (not that I was a fan anyway).
Bring on the Paralympics where there will be even more grit and determination on show!