Thanks a lot for the nice words guys!
Thanks Dan! The fun I'm having doing this piece is better than any award it could ever win.

Doing something I didn't do myself before, and working on an idea that I really like myself is really the most fun of all. But I guess that would be the same for anyone!
Marc: nonono!!! It is actually as easy as it looks in the pics. Gary is very correct: breaking the sculpting down in simple steps, can make the most complex items easy to do. So please don't be affraid of the putty and just give it a go!
John, these small items are often indeed overlooked, probably because they are rather time-consuming to do properly. Luckilly I enjoy doing them, and with these figures they are very managable as the uniforms couldn't be simpler, and they are carrying almost no equipment. It was an excellent exercise in posing, anatomy and foldwork for me, as these are almost the only things left on these figures...
Thanks Roy! As said before, I just love working on "special" ideas more, and it gives me the most satisfaction. Also for the painting, which is well underway by now. It also makes me push my boundaries, which I hope does improve my skills with every model. For me, the story, atmosphere and expression (thus the communicative elements in a model) are always the essentials for any project. If one really focusses on these, it believe it really doesn't take too much imagination or creativity to make something special.
Thanks John! Thanks for the comment on the setting, as doing these "properly" always takes more effort than most people notice. I enjoy a lot doing different kinds of groundwork every time, and putting as much attention into it as in the figures. In the end, not just the figures are important to me, but the total image. But I guess I don't have to tell you that... :lol:
Thanks Per Olav! How is your WW1 dio coming along by the way? Started painting already?
Thanks again and best wishes!