Excellent work Marijn Just a thought that's mainly a matter of personal taste, but i'll tell it anyway: the lettering on the cart looks like it's written in chalks... would a grown-up soldier write in cursive letters? I'd have it painted or written in a more ragged, rough style, a bit like so.
Anyway, that's an excellent piece of work - again - and some clever and imaginative setup - again!
Thanks a lot for the comments guys, and sorry for the late reply. Fieldwork and hollidays limited my surfing-time quite a bit...
Thanks for the comment about the lettering Patrick. However, I copied the slogans and the style of the letters from period photographs of these trainwagons. Although I couldn't get my own writing style completely out of it and the slogans are smaller than the ones on the pictures (to get them to fit to the composition), the style is pretty close. Logic can be good, but research is always better! :lol:
Thanks a lot though for thinking along!