Wow, what a response! No John, I'm not used it yet. :lol: But it certainly is appreciated! Thanks a lot everybody!
Yep, Per Olav, sticking to my plan(ning) is something I picked up when doing those big dios, as I could have never have finished any of those without a lot of discipline and planning. It helps keeping focussed with figures also though!
Pascal and Johan: thanks a lot for your commen about the hairline. It is not too conspicious in reality (because the head is small), but it was also bugging me on the enlarged photo. Your comment might give me the push to try and improve it still a bit, and if not: at least on the next one. Thanks!
Thanks Gary! Yes, these railcars (also the civilian types) were often covered in grafitti with slogans, showing the overconfident atmosphere of the moment ("zum presschiesen nach paris", auf wiedersehen auf dem boulevard", ...). This should give good emhasise to the story, and it is of course the reason why I kept the wagon quite long under the figures.
The grafitti should also give nice contrastsin colour: the railcar will ba a dark redbrown, the shirts of the soldiers are white, as will the graffitti be.
Thanks Mike! I strongly believe that "keeping it simple" is very important in vignette composition. This one is maybe a quite extreme example...
Please don't expect too much from the next projects, as this will make be bound to disappoint you sooner or later! :lol:
Thanks Ivan! Looking forward to that chat! I'm not very knowledgable about WW1 germany though, as I usually do the detailed research only project by project in function of my modelling.
Thanks Ray! Yes, those Hornet heads are great, aren't they? Sometimes I need to modify a part to get the expression I want, but rarely too drastic.
Don't worry about imagination and skill, as both will come in time. But time and self-confidence is something you will have to work on yourself... Just start with a simple project that can be completed in a short amount of time, and I'm sure your selfconfidence will grow as you find it is not that hard to do!
Thanks a lot again, everybody!
Best wishes,