optivisor or floor lamp ???


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A Fixture
Apr 5, 2011
hi all can anyone tell me what would be a better buy a good optivisor or a floor light with a magnifier thanks
THANK YOU ALL for the advice optivisor it shall be can anyone give me a good source one and what strength to get and so on thanks again
I use a Donegan Optivisor No 5 (2.5x magnification) which I bought from Amazon for around £40. One of my best ever purchases.

Yeah, Optivisor first, it's cheaper than a standing magnifier. You can always get one later, if you want one (I plan on getting one, too, as a "nice-to-have"). But the Optivisor is handier. You don't have to buy the brand, either, there are plenty of headband magnifiers that do exactly the same thing, without spending as much money. I got my Red Chinese-Optivisor knock-off at Cold Wars 5 or 6 years ago, for ten bucks. I should have shelled out the additional five bucks for the lighted model.

Hi Brad
the optivisor in most cases is better,been there and over the years tried ones that are cheaper with plastic lences, the optivisor has an optical
ground lens that will not scratch! big advantage over plastic ones! just my thoughts of course!:) and worth the exspence! ive had one twenty plus years and just now replaced it with a new one! now thats what i call value for money.
Another vote for Optivisor o/

Drop some hints to a friend/significant other and you can have one for free (leave magazines open on the coffee table with an advert for Optivisor circled and highlighted for example) ;)

I also have a small desktop magnifier/lamp which is now resigned to the cupboard since I got the Optivisor. It was good but I defo notice the difference with the headband.

I use a 2.5x lens in mine, it depends on your eyesight, what distance you like to work at etc. but from the research I did before getting Mrs E to buy mine this seemed like a good starting point. Lenses are interchangeable anyway so there should be something that's right for you. The best thing I like about it is that I don't need to take my specs off when I use it.

Anyhoo, I hope this was of some help to you.

again all thanks for all the tips and opinions I was looking at optivisors earlier but since I need a new eye exam anyway I will talk to my doc then. I am leaning towards the glass ones that can be changed out for different lenses or strengths also I am thinking abouit getting into armor so I am sure this will help out the floor lamp I was looking at was $109 on sale I am sure I can get a pretty good optivisor for that

I have a Donegan optivisor nº10 I think is 3.5x lens and my question is: are this lens the maximum?
I need more. Any thoughts?

Just had a look on their website Pedro. It looks like the 3.5x lens is the most powerful they do but they do have an attachment that will add 2.5x to any lens (only monocular though). Another option might be a pair of reading glasses in addition to the Optivisor (I don't take my glasses off when I use mine).

Hope this helps,
Hi Brad
the optivisor in most cases is better,been there and over the years tried ones that are cheaper with plastic lences, the optivisor has an optical
ground lens that will not scratch! big advantage over plastic ones! just my thoughts of course!:) and worth the exspence! ive had one twenty plus years and just now replaced it with a new one! now thats what i call value for money.

I concede your point; as Jeff Smith used to say, "Frugal doesn't mean cheap, it means you don't waste anything." But I stand by my choice. I haven't scratched the lenses on mine yet., though I take care to put the visor away and out of the way, when not in use.