7. Day, 30. November 2011
Finally! Today there come the first brushstrokes on the figure!
I want to begin with the Kubanka.
In addition first of all a few explanations to this unusual cap:
A Kubanka could show all possible forms and colours – what one could just make from sheepskin so …:
Nevertheless, to all commonly was that hey had a coloured cap lid.
With the Terek Cossacks the cap lid was blue …:
With the Kuban-Cossacks, however, red.
The common artillery regiment from Kuban and Terek Cossacks carried grey cap lids.
Again to all "Kubankas" was common that they carried cruciform sewed on braids on the cap lid.
This decreases to the fact that the Caucasian Cossacks wanted to differentiate themselves thus from her opponents, the Muslim mountain tribes, while they decorated her caps with a Christian symbol.
There were several variations in which to the „Christian cross“ even other decorations were added there (the cap was a private property of her bearer!) …:
...besides, however, the basic form was always the classical cross. Therefore, I had suggested Andy to model such a cross on the cap lid.
What concerns now the in colour creation of the braids, one has four possibilities:
White …
… Silver …:
… Yellow …:
Or gold …:
I have resolved to paint the braids in silver.
First a priming coat with …
… afterwards a "Wash" with a broth from …
… and in the end – because where it should really shine (where light falls there) – was brushed, namely with …:
The Outlining of the cross happened with a mixture from …:
I have taken this mixture because I work with pleasure with "related" colours. Black is included in the tones of the braids, "Extra Dark Green" in the red tones of the material which came then to the row.
The first priming coat with a relatively dark mixture from …
I have tried with the material painting very much to show no smooth, but a possibly crumpled surface.
Shadow zones and folds were painted, while I added more "Extra Dark Green" to my basic mixture there.
Afterwards two quite thin glazes with...
… around the colour again bring a piece more to the original to.
Then I add the lights (and high-level lights), namely with a mixture from …
After that the finish of the crossed silver braids completely comes in the end. I want to explain no metal, but silberdurchwirkten material, so this should not shine, but gleam softly!
With a thin broth from black, Light Grey and silver and a roughly wiped – spread – paintbrush I distribute many small lines to the braids. More darkly to the shade, brighter to the lights – so long, until I like the result.
Now THIS has come out …: