Pegaso 75mm Light Cavalryman- Kit Review


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Jim Patrick

A Fixture
Dec 21, 2003
El Paso TX

Sculptor: Maurizio Bruno

Here is my review for Pegaso's 75mm Light Cavalryman. You can also see Maurizio's sculpt here. I went to Atlanta with the intention of getting this figure and, well...I did. As well as several others and some more bases! :lol: I told Guy (as well as anyone who'd listen) that I was going to do a review for this one and finally, here it is. Nothing unusual about the packaging and casting. The name Pegaso speaks for itself (y). What you get are 12 finely cast metal parts. Here's a shot of them after I had them cleaned and primered.


One thing I noticed right away in the hotel room (no way was I waiting until I got home to drool on this piece) was that the slings were attached the the scabbard and sabretache. Kind of unusual and I must admit to having some misgivings. After all, aren't slings better off made by lead foil or something? Anyone who has painted Napoleonic figures knows and understands that slings are the biggest pain in the #$$ there is. Nothing drives me crazy quite like attaching (with superglue) some painted slings AFTER the pants are painted. This is a sure fire way to paint and repaint and... you get the feeling. In fact, some painters I know don't even do a figure with slings but I will not name you OK Joe Hudson? :lol: Ok, in 75mm you can see the difficulty getting sling done that would be correct and "in scale". Here is the scabbard and sabretache:


After cleaning them up it began to dawn on me. Maurizio really knew what he was doing with these items. The sling attaches BEHIND the sabretach (with the attachement point resting against the left leg, it's nearly impossible to see) and the other sling simply attaches to the scabbard. The upper ring for the scabbard is sculpted onto the sling with a pin sticking out. The hole is located on the scabbard. Here's what I'm talking about:


Also, attaching the slings to a Napoleonic figure is another "joy" that needs to be experienced! Once again, Maurizo comes to our rescue. There are studs at the top of each sabretache sling which gets inserted into the figures waist belt.



CAREFULLY bend and shape the slings until they fit into the holes in the waistbelt.


As far as assembly goes, that's it for hard stuff. There really wasn't much to it. The head is another gem that needs to be seen. Unfortunately, much of the head can't be seen because of the angle but, Maurizio doesn't make us make up any detail. See for yourself:




More to follow,
Jim Patrick
The fit of ALL parts was near perfect. Very little putty needed (IF ANY!) The pose is a nice, relaxed one that is so characteristic of Maurizio's sculpts.





I HIGHLY recomend you get this figure as soon as you see it or order it right away. Even if Napoleonic figures aren't what your'e interested in, you should still get this figure as this figures pose, graceful lines and color options offer a lot to the painter (y).

Jim Patrick
Something I forgot to mention. I didn't even see this until the figure was cleaned and primed. This officer is sporting his Legion of Honor medal.


Here is an actual medal. Just look at Maurizio has done!


A special thanks to Maurizio and Stephen Malia for their help during this review.

Jim Patrick
excellent review on an excellent sculpted figure... congrats to Maurizio for this figure and thanks a lot Jim for great info and super photos.
bestest regards
Hey Jim

This was a super review was nice to read and great to see. As Napoleonic figure fan I can't wait to see it when you are painted it.
I hope that you will show as a nice SBS when you started. Good luck Jim

Greetings Dick ;)
Jim, Thanks for the review. That is one fine figure for sure. Maurizio is one of the best in the world at miniature sculpting. His work is inspiring to say the least.~Gary
Great review.

I had ordered this from Historex Agents in the UK amongst some other kits. Received today and to my dismay this kit wasn't in the package, it was out of stock, although they never informed me that it was. !***!!! :angry:

The figure looks as good in the flesh (reveiw) as I had imagined and only makes me more frustrated that I have to wait longer to get it!

Thanks for posting the review and I look forward to seeing any additional post you place on the site whilst painting it. Hopefully it'll make my life that tad bit easier being able to compare to someone else's work.


WoW Jim Great review
they are much honored and content that you make
to see the progress of painting on a my piece.

Many times behind the resolution of a piece beyond to the sculptor are other persons who collaborate and that they make a hard research work historical and I wanted to be useful for the post in order to say thanks to Francesco Simoncini the historian who me has helped in the documentation also he is member of planet but not assiduous frequent visitor.

Thanks to all for your appreciations and good painting :)

Maurizio Bruno
Hi Jim

Excellent review, with some very useful details. This is a beauty isn't it. Certainly a painter's figure, and I look forward to seeing your progress on it. Although I'm not a real Napoleonic fan, this is one I would certainly like to have a go at.

Regards and thanks for sharing it


Thanks for posting.
That certainly is a lovely figure and a nice review too boot!

I look forward to seeing you paint this up. Those small straps give me the willies!
