Pegaso against piracy


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A Fixture
Oct 21, 2004
Hi planeteers,
dont know how many members know this,but Pegaso have Started releasing figures which are near fully built together as a measure against pirating the Pegaso products.
My latest figure 75mm Street vagabond is complete resin, exept the right Hand with sword and the scabbard,Both White Metal.
The figure has been assembled,head,body,Both arms,legs and dagger hanging behind.All that is required is to fit the Cape,right hand and scabbard.
Apparently this makes it impossible for pirates to recast because of undercutting....whoever casts figures professionally probably understands this better.
Anyway,as far as I am concerned,it makes life easier for me,as there are no Casting Blocks to remove and no clean up to be done on the figure....not sure about those modellers who like to Pin their figures though!!
This whole process will surely raise the price of the figures in future I am sure,as this extra work has to be honored.
I certainly hope this idea helps solve the matter of figure pirating...what do you all think?Has anyone else already bought the New figures?All input much appreciated.
First time I've heard of Pegaso doing this. I know Kimera (their sister company) doesn't. Hopefully I'll be looking over some of their recent releases very soon so it's something I'll keep an eye out for.

Sadly though, the others are right. A pirate will have no issues taking a saw to a kit to make some quick money.
These aren't on the metal parts. Just resin. Sorry to say that.

I actually enjoy prep on metal, resin, and plastic believe it or not.
Will make review a lot quicker but may reduce people buying it, if the price goes up. I don't mean that in a bad way its just there are a lot of figures on the market to choose from and if the price is higher people might buy something else. I think the people who buy recasts that know they are recasts will just keep buying recasts. People that love the brand/brands and want quality and the whole box as well will buy the real deal. Well that's my hope/thoughts anyway.
Im sure the intentions are well meant, but I personally wouldnt be keen on a pre - assembled figure, because I like the prep and assembly as part of the hobby..!(y)
Pretty sure the intention is to avoid price rises.

Y'know, that's a good point. I re-read the thread, and we haven't included any direct citation from Pegaso that avoiding piracy is the reason for this. Does anyone have a reference we can see, just to confirm?

It is to avoid piracy. Having spoken to someone involved and the leaflet they now include in packaging I can 100% say it is to make piracy more difficult.
Im sure the intentions are well meant, but I personally wouldnt be keen on a pre - assembled figure, because I like the prep and assembly as part of the hobby..!(y)

I do too.

Looks more like it's more obvious parts that are being attached like helmet crests, legs to bodies, etc. But things are more looking like sub assemblies than completely assembled. Completely assembled would be a nightmare from a painters perspective.
Unless I've missed something, it seems to me that if Pegaso can cast figures like this, then so can pirate casters. I just don't see how it can stop recasting.

- Steve
No Steve, the figures are part-assembled by Pegaso before packaging...for example on my figure..head and arms already attatched,dagger glued on,helmet attatched to head etc....lf a recaster tried to unglue the parts,then I am sure they would be broken in the attempt.Also,if for example, legs are attatched to torso it would be a hell of a Job making a mould which could be used more than once...I personally think the idea is very good.
Im still sceptical about it preventing piracy. Im sure the recasters wouldnt have any qualms about bits being broken or difficult to cast, as long as they get their cash - quality is way down their list of priorities.... As Ive already alluded to, there is no problem in detaching parts, once theyve been assembled(y)
It is to avoid piracy. Having spoken to someone involved and the leaflet they now include in packaging I can 100% say it is to make piracy more difficult.

OK, but then you yourself posted that you're "pretty sure the intention is to avoid price rises." Just to clarify, were you speculating on Pegaso's motives, in that case, and, what is the connection between piracy and rising prices? One connection that I imagine is that as the intellecutal property owner raises his prices, piracy rises, as a black market demand rises for a cheaper copy of his products. Just trying to get clarification on the discussion.

The problem with piracy is it affects the profit a product can potentially make.

To break even on a miniature a company will have to sell enough to cover the cost of concept art, sculpting, box art painting, packaging, casting, and a few other overheads too. If sales are of a reduce number that then could potentially push prices up to offset the variance.

However; if by doing this with the part assembly it reduces the chance of piracy then then the added bit of work could actually mean more legitimate sales thus avoiding any need for any price rises.

The idea here isn't to charge more for the assembly but to reduce the chances of piracy losses.

If it comes to a point where prices would have to go up in a way that customers would not buy then it would be time to close as it wouldn't be a sustainable business.