A Fixture
I suppose it's just the time of night, but there's more than a hint of Daniel Craig in that face ? (not the zombie).
I can't say say no more.I'll probably get my ass kicked on this one;but I'm calling this one as I see it ass kissing,just flat out truth.....It often amazes me that YOUNG'S work gets often crucified when it is more than often very well done.
I can't say say no more.I'll probably get my ass kicked on this one;but I'm calling this one as I see it ass kissing,just flat out truth.....It often amazes me that YOUNG'S work gets often crucified when it is more than often very well done.
No no Col everybody in the Crusades looked like Orlando Bloom I saw it on TV, joking aside mate you're bang on, having a similar life (less the hockey but Rugby is similar) I've seen that face a hundred times in bars, scrums and on the mat. These guys weren't the knights of chivalry and romance they were brutal, efficient killing machines and no doubt looked it, they had to be just to surviveI generally don't get into busts but both versions are kinda interesting. The zombie is a change... could make for a challenging painting exercise.
As for the crusader thug.... at first glance the mouth did jump out at me as well. Reading through the posts and going back to the pic over and over I'm thinking this guy's not just an ugly man... he's got the face of a man who's taken more than one bashing to the face. Having spent more than a little time in the gym boxing, muay thai and wrestling as well as a lifetime on the hockey ice and in less than respectable drinking establishments, I've seen a lot of men (yours truly included) who've suffered broken noses, teeth, cheeks, orbital bones and had their lips repeatedly smashed and the look that develops isn't far from the visage of this knight. It's not far fetched to think that the life these guys led might lead to some facial scarring or structural damage.
All that being said, I probably won't buy it and maybe it's not perfect but there have certainly been worse offerings out there.
My two cents worth of sweet F all.
AMEN!!!!!Thought Figure News was a forum where anyone could express a like or dislike for a figure and if required can give their reasons.
Half the girls in my school looked like him , bumped into two clones 'oops twins " from primary I hadn't seen since the age of eight didn't think it was possible for them any stronger featured
All three combinedWhich bust version did they look like Ron?!!........
Not sure I'm supposed to quote my own post but I just wanted to say that I found the film clip over on YouTube under the title "Siege of Acre 1191".