Photos from World Expo


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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2004
After I returned from the Expo, I not only developed our three rolls of film, but I also received NINE CD's of People photos that Lisa Hill took. Below are a few. If any of you have photos that you would like to contribute, I am putting together a deluxe CD with not only the 160 or so figure photos, but also the best of the people pictures, and of course the awards list (Shep will post a printable version on the website).

If you have photos you can contriubute, please send me an e:mail and I will give you the mailing address, etc. I will need them in the next 30 days.

Great to see so many Planeteers at the Expo - wish we had even more!






The Captions for the above photos are:

1. Don Troiani poses with Registration and Admissions Co-Chairpersons Jim and Lisa Hill of SCAHMS.

2. Best of Show winners Danilo Cartacci and a stoic Mariano Numitone (Italy) receive their award on Saturday night.

3. A National Park Service Guide recounts the events that occurred at Concord Bridge - the day the American Revolution bagan. Approximately 90 Expo-ites attended.

4. Fun on the Harbor Cruise - The July 4th cruise was a blast - here (l to r) Nick Infield, Alan Ball, Tim Flagstad, join Mike Blank and Uwe Lacina.

5. Mike Connor (left), and Sam Saliba (second from right) hung out with the guys from Malta, Ray Farrugia (second from left) and Stephen Mallia (right)
Hi Bill,

Is the CD you mentioned separate from the one The Red Lancers has listed that names you as the contributing photographer?

Will the cd be for sale? If so, can you please tell me where I can buy it? Many thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

I don't yet have answers to all questions. I expect it to be a similar price ($15-$20), but it will contain a large number of people photos on it similar to the few shown here. We will also add the awards list. Think of this as Volume 2.

I will be contacting Chuck in the next few days to discuss with him. The important thing is that it will only be available for a short while (I don't want to be making and sending these out piecemeal for months to come), so I will probably make them available to Chuck for orders received in a 60-day period. After that, they'll be done.

Hi Bill,
I have many digital people photos, which I'll be puting a CD. I have your address, if you wish, I'll drop one in the mail for your Deluxe CD on Monday.
Sam S.
I would love one ASAP if you can tell us as soon sa it's available.

Stephen Mallia
It looks like this deluxe CD will actually be a Volume 2, containing a few additional figure photos, and around 100 of the best people photos from the Expo, as well as the final awards list. After I initially posted I realized combining everything into one would devalue those already bought, so this will be a second separate CD. I believe the price will be around $15.00US.

They will be available from the Red Lancers. At the moment I am almost ready to start burning but am waiting for some photos from Jim Patrick and Sam Saliba that are due to arrive in the next few days. When I get these I will burn them this weekend and mail Chuck Robinson at RL a batch.

YES! I called Chuck and he's holding one for me. Bill, like I said in the e mail, they should be there by Wed. Definately by Thur. Looking forward to seeing this.

Jim Patrick
Ok, guys, Bill just sent out the e mail announcing that the CD's are in route to The Red Lancers so give Chuck a call and get your today. Don't wait as, I'm not positive, but I don't think there are plans to make any more. Get it while it's hot! :lol:

Jim Patrick
Jim can you be so kind and guide me how I go about ordering the cd from the link you provided please :eek: ?

I've logged on the red lancers site, created a logon name and password........but still can't find where the damned cd is :angry: !!!!!!!!!

I know, I'm pc IGNORANT still :lol:

If you had told me I would have ordered it for you and charged you double :lol: :lol:

Stephen Mallia
Originally posted by rej@Jul 29 2005, 01:22 PM
Jim can you be so kind and guide me how I go about ordering the cd from the link you provided please :eek: ?

I've logged on the red lancers site, created a logon name and password........but still can't find where the damned cd is :angry: !!!!!!!!!

I know, I'm pc IGNORANT still :lol:


It is here:
Thanks Bob ;)

Steve..........phew thanks, I know I'm dumb on the pc, so why didn't you order one for me in the first place :lol:

Ray :(

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