A Fixture
Nick Majerus just emailed me a link to this past weekend's "Hope it don't snow, Show"
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[FONT="]This site has pictures of our show (Zumbro Valley Scale Modelers) “Hope it don’t snow show” that was held on Saturday Feb. 4th. The pictures were taken by David Allen, one of our members. The weather was great and people came from Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. We had 360 entries of all types of models and figures.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]This site has pictures of our show (Zumbro Valley Scale Modelers) “Hope it don’t snow show” that was held on Saturday Feb. 4th. The pictures were taken by David Allen, one of our members. The weather was great and people came from Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. We had 360 entries of all types of models and figures.[/FONT]
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