Hi Bill, Steve, Keith, Dave, Ray, Ken, Colin & Anthony,
Thanks lads, I am quite pleased with the conversions so far, converting figures without clothes is a lot harder and trying to make them diffrent and unique has proved a challenge on a number of levels, still some tweaking to do. I'll keep pushing this as I am eager to get some base colours down.

Still thorougly enjoying working on this, so off to the bench as I'm off work again today.

Bloody hell mate, i know its late but i am so sorry to hear Dads passing. I lost my Dad 15 years ago aged 26 and ive never filled the gap.......much love to you and your family.
As for the Dio, well what a brilliant scene! I love how dynamic the figures look and you have created such a natural looking close combat without it looking staged. I dont know if you will be adding to the back of the wall but it would look better being a bit thicker IMO, the bags are brilliantly done and the figure work is superb.
Im following matey and so sorry i have not been around a while, just no mojo and still my large Dio to finish!
Ill raise a glass for your Dad tonight.
Hello Dave,
Mate, so glad you have taken time to drop in. Thank you so much for your condolences, he would have given you a nod of approval for raising a glass to him.
Yes it's a Dave Forsey style build epic - except you are premier league when it comes to these. I could not agree more about the back wall, you and others have picked this up straight away and so I need to modify this. All my major constraints around this piece are around the size of my display cabinet shelves. The wall was initially there to give an impression of "backs to the wall" scenario, I will come up with something, it seems to be impacting on the overall look!!!!!
Mate I know what it is like when your enthusiam goes, I've had a few spells for months on end, but something has always kick started me again. It will with you again you know that, just leave your epic piece alone, too much work has gone into that, so don't try and tackle it if your not in the zone.
Glad you like my effort so far mate, keep jumping in with the rest and throwing ideas at me.