Thanks Nap.
It's a fold-away Ikea table! Ageing (like me) and somewhat battered (ditto), but still functional (so many analogies). South-facing conservatory is the 'office' - great when it's overcast, but sunny weather means early starts to avoid the heat & intense light.
The figs are ICM - I love their WW1 range and just bought a set of 1915 Italian infantry (beautiful) and German Storm Troops 1918 (also really nice). Well worth investigating; they come in packs of 4, usually, and have some interesting subjects. Mostly come with a sprue of weaponry & accessories. Dioramas beckon...
I found that Humbrol enamel lids have a habit of popping off between uses, with bad results, so now put a bicycle wheel nut in the depression, then strap it all on with an elastic band. Been doing it for years, along with nursing them along using drops of white spirit; that way they last longer.
The horizon blue is mixed from Humbrol's 'WW1 Blue', adding mid grey till it looks right. Fortunately the French army had a wide range of tones during that conflict, so there's room for variation.