Poll: Average age of planeteers


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Average age of planeteers

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I went with the 5th choice. After having served 30 yrs in the Army I don't like getting hot or cold anymore. The other choice that closely applies, but didn't select, was the last one. I don't suffer from PTSD because I had such a good time at Agincourt!

I would like to comment over the can't paint figures under 75mm because of age.
I read many posts where people can't paint 54mm figures anymore and i wonder why.
in my other life, the human eye is my field of practice and i know everything about it.
unless you're shaking too much and can't control it (Parkinson, etc.), you will not ’hurt' your eyes by painting small figures.
The only thing you need after 40 yo (unlee you're myopic) is an addition. start with +1.00D then go to +2.50D when you reach 48yo. that's the same thing for every human being by the way. in case you need more power, just buy any kind of loupe. You won't hurt anything by painting 54mm figures i promise !
To misquote Douglas Adams, sort of, there are a finite number of Planeteers and an infinite number of people, Any finite number divided into infinity is as close to nothing as makes no difference so no Planeteer is any age at all? Don,t think about it, it hurts.
I'm 52 years old, still paint 54mm figures as well as some 75's and the odd 90 (but I do now use an optivisor!! ). Happily married to Shona, my ever supportive wife, for 12 years and I have a garage full of bikes :woot: I wasn't at Agincourt but I just missed the Falklands as I was still in training and left just before the 1st Gulf War!
I'm 46 chronologically
I'm 138 physically
I'm almost 18 emotionally
Started painting at 10 or 11... left it when I discovered girls and the dream of being a rockstar at 14... got back into it when I got married... and gave up girls :(. Actually I really got back into it in the last 3 years when after 6 scopes and two replacements on my left knee finally ended the hockey playing and the ghosts of all the broken bones in my hands (side effect of the hockey) forced me to put down the guitars... now the brushes are my escape from reality. With a wife of 22 years, an almost 21 year old son and being the only child of rapidly aging parents who are getting me back for my youthful transgressions, I sometimes REALLY NEED the escape:wtf: .

The Harley came when I was 20, I still have it and they'll bury me on it.

Interesting thread (y)

I'm 63, very happily married for 40 years and an only child. The latter is significant as I have an only child's infinite capacity for endless futility (a phrase I've stolen from a book on wargaming). I first slapped paint on little soldiers when I was about 9 (early plastic toy soldiers didn't hold paint too well). I've painted semi seriously since I was 20 after coming across Hinchliffe 25mm wargames figure in a local shop which were pretty quickly followed by Historex, Stadden, Rose Miniatures etc 54mm's. I've been retired for a good few years and it was a choice between painting figures or daytime television, hmmm? I do have a few health issues but even the loss of sight in one eye doesn't stop me painting, damn good excuse to avoid DIY though - "How is it you can manage to paint those things but you can't paint that wall?"

"How is it you can manage to paint those things but you can't paint that wall?"


What if you show her a couple of hip-hoppers doing graffiti on the street? Then ask her what she would like to have you paint on the wall...I think you will be safe...
Thanks Brian, I like your avatar. I have just finished painting it myself. My version has been converted to be a portrait figure of Trotsky as the first War Commisar. Luckily I took a photo of his uniform in the Kremlin in 1989. Perfect reference.
To misquote Douglas Adams, sort of, there are a finite number of Planeteers and an infinite number of people, Any finite number divided into infinity is as close to nothing as makes no difference so no Planeteer is any age at all? Don,t think about it, it hurts.

"Life?....Don't talk to me about life"
Just to add to the mix, Im 52, nearly 53, but still capable of doing daft things! Been into modelling in its various forms since about 5 or 6. My dad got me into it and its been there ever since!! I was a modeller for Spode and Royal Doulton for 19 yrs and now teach. I got back into sculpting when my son and I joined my local model club about 4 yrs ago. I also follow my football team, Port Vale, hence the name!! (nothing to do with the CGI pigeon in the film of the same name!)



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