Tecumsea. I agree, to a certain extent with what you say. I am not, and never will, take away anything from companies, that supply us with 'Great' figures! big or small, and yes! I hope they all do well. However, when a 'Quote', Small company! can exceed, the 'Multi-Nationals', in quality casting, and cost. It will always raise the, ambiguous question of why? Its almost the complete reverse, of 'High-Street fashion' vs 'Designer' labels. In this instance, we are getting better for less expenditure. So, therefore should we just have to accept that these large overheads! from the larger companies, such as marketing and production, then say to ourselves, ' Ahh', thats why I have to pay more?...
Illegitimis nil Carborundum.

Illegitimis nil Carborundum.