problems with whites


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
Well this is my first post ever of my work. Unfortunately it is because I need help. Hopefully you can see from the pictures that my shading looks dirty. This is what I do: first undercoat with Vallejo white.
Base oils titanium white + unbleached titanium very small amount to produce a beige colour, Shadows: basecoat plus raw umber bit of Prussian blue. I let the basecoat dry for about an hour then added the shadow and blended what I get is what you see not very convincing shadows.


here is another way to a white tunic:


Basisfarbe B = Basiccolor > Titanium white
Schattenfarbe S = Shadow color > a mix of prussian blue + cadmium orange + alizarin madder lake

If your cadmium orange more yellow add alizarin madder lake to your mixture, if your cadmium orange reddish enough you must not put alizarin madder lake to your mixture.
This mixture is a dark brown/black. Control the shadow color with titanium white you should get a grey.

At first paint the shadow color over the whole area they you wishing to painting. Now you can only set the first lights with titanium white, the first picture S + B. Or you paint the first light with naples yellow light and the highlights with titanium white, the secound picture
S + Neapelgelb hell + B

By flats I start with the shadow color, but I think the question is how thick do you start with the shadow color by round figures. I think verry thin by round figures. The best way try it on a small part on the the figure.
You have blue in the shadow color and this is verry powerfull.

Sorry for my bad english.
some good advice from Conny! I think you are definitely on the right track. I would say don't be afraid to push it just a bit further. I tend to blend my oils a lot! So don't be afraid to lay down a bit more shadow tone and blend it up into your highlights. I think all it needs is a bit more "puch" to get the right balance. The boots look great BTW!

Jay H.