Review Professional Transport Case - HobbyZone


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Jul 24, 2013
My review:
Professional Transport Case - HobbyZone
Hi Guys ,
Carriage of our prcious cargo to shows is often fraught with will it won't it survive but .....

Looking at the picture only , I can see that the shelves are adjustable but with it being professional not sure about the "blu tac" securing the models on the shelves (as in the lower one in picture) .

Be interesting to see more on this to look at the link

Thanks for sharing

Hi Guys ,

The box does look strong , but there are really good products that could be used rather than the material holding them in shown in the picture

Everyone to their own choice then

I would use velcro not tacky stuff, as it can effect the bases finish after a while....

Good box, though

To be perfectly honest I'd trust it about as far as I could throw it it doesn't look at all safe to me. If I was to buy a box designed for transporting figures damned if I'd be happy with having to secure them with blur tack or similar.

I drill and tap all of my bases so I can screw them onto a wooden board for transport. You could easily do the same thing here, just drill some holes into the board and use screws to hold your figures in place instead of patafix, blue tack, etc. The case would do a good job of holding the board in place and protecting the figures. I do wonder how it work if I was flying to a show. Don't know if it could fit in the overhead compartment without turning it on its side.

I have bought a few other items from HobbyZone and have been very happy with them, so the case is worth considering.
Careful Jon!, Steve might be thinking of turning up at a show with a store mannequin ratcheted down as his latest fig. :D Come to think of it, what a challenge that would be to paint one of them in oils! :eek:

Helo (y)

I have travel from Brasil to Portugal, and then to Spain with figures in a box like thath, and i have only used blue tack, and they survived with no accidents. The only think i wold consider is if the box passes through the x-ray of the airport without having to lie down :nailbiting:

Cheers from Brasil :coffee:
Everyone in Scotland uses blue tack :eek: "'not suggesting we are a mean lot" but IT WORKS

Haven't seen it affect the base finish as yet but i suppose if you attended many shows then it just might .

Interested in the velcro solution mind you .

Very impressive
Like Ron I tend to use 'Blu-tack' with no problems, mind you I use a helluva lot.
The concern I have with 'Velcro' is the strength of the grip. Strikes me there would be a risk of damage in trying to remove figures with loop tape on the bases from the hook tape covered carrying base.
Giving some thought as to how to carry figures as flight 'hand luggage' on a couple of occasions next year. Will probably go with Baileys 'screw' option, but need figure out how to secure them when stored horizontally as overhead luggage.
Thought that this was the solution but it's 5cm too wide for my chosen 'Goat Class Airlines'
I'm using one of Jon's cages, and I choose the dimentions that should be fine when it comes to the hand baggage. And I intend to keep it straight, with me, but we'll se how it's gonna work.
The velcro is holding minis pretty good I'd say. I've seen one of my friends tossing his box (Jon's again) on a side to the trunk of the car, and everything was perfectly fine after few hundred km.

edit: typo
I've made my own box out of mdf, pretty similar design to this and have a bottom tray with the rough side of heavy duty velcro attached. The heavy duty stuff will handle weights up to 15 kilo, slight overkill but better to ease the paranoia of transporting the figures. Will be testing it out at Euro!

I know a couple of intrepid Scots who are blue tac junkies and have traveled as far as America with no issues.

Having said this I think the prize for travelling the greatest distance to Euro has got to go to Kaz with his figures in a suit case.

Perhaps he might enlighten us of how he managed this.

The trouble with any type of putty-like tack material is temperature. Too warm and it's worse than chewing gum stuck in hair. Too cool and there is no tack. I have experienced both. The worse, of course, losing the tack. Horrible damage!
When my income become stable again I will order one for sure.
I can not see the price in website:sorry: