A Fixture
Very nice work, I like a lot your flats. Also the subject you choose is very unusual. Great!
Thanks very much Francesco.

Very nice work, I like a lot your flats. Also the subject you choose is very unusual. Great!
Gorgeous as usual Roger.You paint beautiful horses in flat but I have never seen you try it in full figures,why is that?
Fantastic paint.
You've got some time ashore again, Roger? Nice piece! I like the color on the horse's body, your highlighting and shadows. The colors are nice and warm.
I know what you mean, too, about working with fully-round horse figures and the reins. I always wrestle with getting them to attach strongly enough that I won't knock them off again later.
I look forward to seeing your next update on this one!
Brilliant work Roger! The colors used on the horse are fantastic!
Looks great mate, nice painting.