WIP RDG 1:9 Bust - Eagle Bearer of the 4th Hussars


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Good work so far. I too am veering away from acrylic back to oils (over acrylic). I've found Milan's videos interesting so am keen to see how you get on with his techniques.
Thanks Nigel.

try his you tube on Standartenfuhrer. It’s very thorough and he gives a running commentary on his step-by-step.


this was my introduction to Milan and his work. I followed every step of the way. I completed this near two years ago and I haven’t looked back.
Hi there

Great update pics , the flag has come out well , , strong colours and neat and clean work on the designs

Shako is coming along well ...is there a plume ?

Thanks for sharing the pics

Nice work on the Standartenfuhrer

Happy benchtime

Hi there

Looks a good start on the horse ( legs and Oils do confuse me though ...lol )

Nice plume on the shako , liking the dusty effects ..lol

Thanks for updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Breeches and Dolman.

I used ABT Matt Effect Thinner to clean my brush. The red and blue oils no longer have a satin/gloss finish. The oils weren’t thinned, just the residual thinner in the brush after cleaning and wiping on paper towel.

Here’s the result so far.

Hi there

Good update pics , the oils certainly have matted well

Looking forward to seeing how you paint the lacing etc ....NMM or metallics ?

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime

Thanks Nap,

For the lacing I’m thinking oils with gold pigment mixed in over a base of metallic acrylics. I’ll have a dry run on something first and see how it looks.
The Dolman.

some cleanup still to be done and I’m not overly pleased with the belt. I’d welcome any comments, suggestions, hints on where improvement is needed.


Hi Dozer

Great update pics , in place the flag does look good and as you say even better with the head and shako ......nice time spent at the bench

And yes I see that bust at the back ( Stormtroopers piece )

Happy benchtime
