I read his plight this morning on FB. But does it surprise us? A well known problem that does seem to get bigger every year. The figure business seems to be more prone to it then say the plastic aircraft industry.
I can imagine that it's (technically) easier to copy a bust then to copy a 600 part Tamiya aircraft kitsprues and all or whatever. Recasting of figures seems to fit in the much wider spectrum of counterfeit goods which may include everything from medecines, perfume, expesive leather goods to machine and even aircraft parts.
Let me be quite clear: recasters are scum. It all has to do with how their conscience has developed. Perhaps combined with living in a poor country then it would be more a survival thing.
But personally I think the buyers ( The Market - demand side) are worse. Shitbags. And what is worse probably (or hopefully) even to stupid to hold a brush let alone to achieve a decent paintjob with it. They seem to be everywhere. And yes why not on PF too? Statistically speaking they are among us dear Planeteers!
And it all seems to be caused by a general unwillingness or unability to pay what most righteous modellers would basically consider to be a fair price. Figures especially 90 mm mounted ones are an investment. Yes they are expensive.
When I ordered Pegaso's Timurlane's Cataphract cavalryman I had to swallow before coughing up €200,00. But for that amount I get the real thing. And I help to survive a small company that makes excellent figures. And coincidentally I also keep the artists who create the masters afloat.
What makes me vomit is these endless discussions about the price of models. I grew up respecting what the seller wants. The purpose of life is not trying to get everything for free or cheap.
But as I said it seems to be part of a general pattern. A good illustration of this is the practice of buying tutorial video's and then copying them and selling them on internetplatforms. That is called piracy if my memory serves me right.
Difficult problem. Hard to solve. Basically it is a behavioral and hence a psychological (= criminogen) problem. Ever thought about that? If you engage in priracy or buy recasts it tells something about you. Doesn't it?
If I cannot afford something I accept that. But what I don't do is go out at night, break into a shop and steal it. Because that is what buying recasts is. Theft. Stealing. And that's a crime.
Ergo: if you buy recasts you are a bloody criminal. Plain and simple