A Fixture
Finally completed this brave Irishmen in French service.
As i mentioned before,this figure is from Elite's 75mm New york regiment,converted to the french regulation uniform of 1779.
Here's the link to the initial page if you want to read about this intersting regiment in French service.
I tried few mixes on his Bicorne/tricorne hat so it look weathered since this regiment have been stationed in Martinique fronm 1779 till 1783,i imagine the sand,the caribbean sunlight and salty water took their part on weathering certain uniform items.
I used Vallejo acrylics,experimented with washes and some inks,here's the color mixes:
Hat: 2 drops of German grey,1 drop of dark skintone,lights added sunny skintone to the mix,shadows some black and tiny dark prussian blue.
Coat: Napoleoninc red plus Vallejo GW Gory red,lights basic orange,shadows i used Vallejo red wash and final shadows added a little of face wash to the red wash.
Facings: Flat yellow an a dab of royal purple,lights added ivory to the mix,for shadows added more purple to the base.
Pants and vest: siver grey,added pure white for lights and german grey for shadows.
Gaiters: German grey and a dab of burnt umber,lights Andrea "earth tone" and shadows added black to the base,washes in brown glaze .
Face and hands i use the Vallejo panzer aces face kit.
I hope you like it.