I've finished the dead one to about 99%. Just some final touches and weathering after it's been
placed permanently on the vehicle. The white appears to stark in the photos hence the shadows
and ingrained dirt is less visible. The red also looks more bright than it actually is.
I've also finished the sculpting and conversions on the last two figures, and they are now ready
for priming.
The sitting figure comes from Warrior but are converted to fit the scene. I added a layer of Sculp
to make his reversible jacket thicker and covered his legs with a blanket.
He got minor shrapnel wounds to the right side of his face (around the ear) so a bandage
around the head were made together with a proper German haircut.
The standing soldier is a Platoon-figure and no major conversions were needed. I just made his
hands show a bit more through his pockets and simulated ammo pouches under his great coat.
He will have his Gewehr 43 leaned against the wall and his helmet on a bench behind him.
That's it for now. Have a great week
/ Mattias Larsson