Riders of Rohan


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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2005
Hello girls and guys,

after having been around on pF for a while I would like to show you one of my models. It's a small diorama I finished lately. Usually, I am into historical figurines, but I liked the GW Lord of the Rings figures so much that I decided to use them for a diorama. This was my first plunge into 28 mm scale. More generally, I work in 54 mm, 40 mm, and 1/72nd scales.

Though the GW figurines are nice as they are I reworked them quite a bit, replacing the cast-on horse tails with electric wire, carving away the reins and replacing them by ones cut from thin metal foil, carving horseshoes into the hooves, adding stirrups and some horse tag, lengthening spears, sanding down shields to scale thickness and painting on designs of my own, hollowing out sleeves, changing horses' poses for variety, adding bowstrings, and so forth. Some of the changes can be seen on the WIP-shot. Painting was done with mixtures of enamels and oils over acrylics. White metals were painted in Rose metallic colour, yellow metals in different shades of yellow ochre and varnished.

I know this forum is mainly about the bigger scales, but I find the GW LotR figures grossly underestimated and well worth the effort. Let me know what you think about the result, critical comments welcome.




Originally posted by je_touche@Nov 6 2006, 07:42 AM

I know this forum is mainly about the bigger scales, .

Excellent work on adding the extra details you have. This forum is all scales....all genre's of figures and yours are more than welcome. I work on an occasional fantasy figure myself. Thanks for posting.
Very nice Andreas! You have improved these GW figures. (y)

I like the layout of your diorama as well.

I have some Riders of Rohan waiting to be finished as well.

well done! I really like the dapple you acheived on the horse. Especially impressive when you condsider the scale. Great composition and action packed layout!

Jay H.
Thanks all for your nice comments. I am glad you like it.

Meanwhile, a friend of mine put his photos of the diorama through the photoshop (thanks Frank Becker!). I'd like to show you his interpretation.



Andreas - :eek: no nie spodziewałam się! :)
Some weeks ago I've painted 15 Riders of Rohan for my friend from Krakow. There were 13 riders on white, grey, and some similar horses, one rider - captain - on black horse and one, standard-bearer, on bay horse. Tomorrow - if you agree - I will show photos of these minis.
Nice job. It's great seeing someone take that extra step, giving the figures a different look rather than just painting them stock.~Gary
Very nice diorama ! Ładnie się preszentuje ;) It looks very good, which is, imo, hard to achieve with LotR minis ;) You inspired me to do something with my Orc warriors.. maybe you have photos of conversions ? And, the tails are just copper wires ?
Excellent work, Andreas. You've captured the scence very dramatically. Great painting. I think I would go blind trying to paint in 28m! You've done a great job of it.

Nice work!

Kyle ;)