Review Rogers Ranger from RP Models


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone ,

One of the most eagerly waited releases this year has been from the portuguese company , run by the figure modellers friend Hugo Pereira .


What makes RP so different well primarily its the fact they they listen to their customer ...all the time , asking for thoughts and ideas and acting on them to produce the very best in resin possible using the very latest 3D techniques and top sculptors in their field , their keywords:​
The release was announced here by Hugo on PF (as well as social media) :​
The model is available in both bust and 75mm scale ( I will look at this in another review)​
Rangers are considered to be the first special forces , excellent shots , fieldcraft skills of the highest, often raised and used to hunting in the wild forests . Operating in the French/Indian Wars they were formed by Roger Ranger a charismatic leader , building up to 10 companies in all , glad normally in a green cloth often using Indian weapons like the tomahawk , moving quickly thorough the terrain , effectively killing and living off the land.​
Service was offered by Robert Ranger to the colonials in the AWI but declined , so they went over to the English side forming what was to become the Queen and later the Kings Rangers.​
Books are easily obtained and of course we have the internet as a valued resource.

Continued in next post​
Lets look at the Resin,

Title: Robert Rogers "Roger Ranger"

Reference: RPM-B12-002 (Battles and Commanders series)

Scale: 1/9th

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 13

Sculptor: 3d Artists

Box Art: Computer created

Casting : YS Masterpieces

On opening the lid the first impressions are WOW what a lot of resin I am getting...its a big piece of work.

As with previous releases contents are in the strong box with colour artwork on the top and sides packed well surrounded by air pockets and foam chippings ( also we have an information sheet)
Roger R RP 001.jpg
The parts are the Main Torso, head, 2 arms, 2 bags , a water bottle. powderhorn, axe(with hand) , musket, and a musket sling and 2 small straps for the powder horn fitting.
Roger R RP 002.jpg
Roger R RP 003.jpg

As I have a lot of pictures taken I will split this into2 parts the first we will look at the main figure parts


Main Torso... Flashing around the lower edge, slight sanding of bag straps, tiny plug from small knife end
Head... Casting plug from neck and tiny casting line
Arms...Casting plug from Top and fine casting line ( on left arm) , casting plug on sleeve detail on other.
Waterbottle/Powderhorn... small casting plugs
Axe...Flashing ( review piece was slightly warped but easy to straighten using a hair dryer)
Weapon...Flashing around mechanism and on underside of weapon , small plug on stock end
Strap...remove from former

There is a heck of a lot of resin here and the engineering of the pieces is really good indeed , fit of all parts are easy and simple to do , I particularly liked the "GR" bag fit onto the straps ...first rate.

Main Torso

Its hard to know where to start but the thing that leaps out is without doubt the texture of the clothing a herringbone sett , around the edges we have the stitches . all straps are very well worked again we have the textures , the leather on the main one together with embossing ( beadwork )
The equipment details are excellent to say the least from the small bag and knife moving with the DYNAMIC'S of the overall piece itself , to the weapons hanging in its mounting, nice details on the bayonet socket as well.
At the neck there is a gorget , nicely shaped ( some might like to remove the infill ) , above this we have the collar folded down very natural indeed.
All the clothing shows really well thought out folds , belts are again textured and with good undercuts the pouch has a nicely shaped flap

What a start , this really is a triumph of resin ...TEXTURE, good I named it twice !!!

Roger R RP 013.jpg
Roger R RP 007.jpg
Roger R RP 012.jpg
Roger R RP 004.jpgRoger R RP 005.jpgRoger R RP 006.jpgRoger R RP 008.jpg Roger R RP 009.jpgRoger R RP 010.jpgRoger R RP 011.jpg

AWESOME or what!!!


Again these are in full action pose one held high striking on an unseen enemy with the tomahawk axe the other holds the musket lower.
All I can say is that the texture continues in the same excellent way , folds of the arms are really good and very naturally worked, sleeve details are really sharply done , fit to the torso is clean and very accurate , no filler needed .

Roger R RP 024.jpg
Roger R RP 022.jpg

Roger R RP 023.jpg


This is another superb piece again sculpting is 1st class, the pose of the facial features is a man in full anger ,and shouting , mouth wide open exposing his tongue and teeth , these are extremely well shown , all the muscles in the face are there the nose and ears are as good as the eyes , hair texture ( its that word again!!!) really good the cap is plain on the front as in references but this could have had a GR on it as well if you wish. , around the base of the helmet there is a band of beadwork .

Let the pictures do the talking
Roger R RP 020.jpgRoger R RP 021.jpgRoger R RP 019.jpgRoger R RP 018.jpgRoger R RP 017.jpgRoger R RP 016.jpg
Roger R RP 014.jpg
Roger R RP 015.jpg

Continued in next post

On now to the remaining pieces


These are based on the reenactors from America that have helped along with others on the research for this piece ., looking at the haversack first another fine piece of sculpting work the surface is again textured , and it looks like there is a lot of weight in it with the lower parts bulging out with various bumps of his personal items inside.
The other bag has 2 cutouts for the straps and is showing even more of the texture , beautifully worked around the edge , stitching is all there in the lower front we have a patch with the royal cypher on it ...again fine work and the casting has really worked well ...nice one Yiannis from YS.

Roger R RP 031.jpg Roger R RP 029.jpg Roger R RP 030.jpg
Roger R RP 027.jpg

Water Bottle

This has again been a result of information from the reenactors , all carefully researched , with the covering of wool having the stitching at the lower edges , the lower part of the cords are cast on ready to marry up with the torso ones.
Roger R RP 032.jpg

Powder Horn

This is in the classic style and has been embossed with leaves and various decoration , this will look great painted up , a type of scrimshaw , many powder horns were decorated by the owners during quieter periods .

Roger R RP 033.jpg

Tomahawk Axe
This is an Indian item and is cast with the hand on it , the texture of the shaft is all there the head has knocks out of it , it looks and was a lethal weapon ideal for close quarter battle.​
the hand is a well done area with the veins straining with the grip , fingers are well shown , nice detail on the nails.​
Roger R RP 025.jpg
Roger R RP 026.jpg
This is a very imposing bit of work both in the sculpting and the casting again we have the hand gripping it , strain showing on the veins , excellent work here .​
The musket is well just great , fine details are everywhere , from the mechanism to the overall look . you will see there is no trigger shown , this has been cleverly included into the strap itself and fits into a cutout underneath.​
Roger R RP 034.jpg
Roger R RP 035.jpg
Roger R RP 036.jpg
This has been cast onto a former and needs carefully removed , , all I can say is the fit to the musket is spot on , cutouts are provided there , the strap detail s all there ( I might sand mine back a bit in depth.)​
Roger R RP 038.jpg
Roger R RP 028.jpg Roger R RP 037.jpg
Final Thoughts
In one word a TRIUMPH , Hugo and his team have worked hard on this release constantly checking and confirming details and textures , working with one of the best casters the final result being an amazing and very DYNAMIC piece , imposing in size and packed to the brim with details .
RP Models continue to set the benchmark which is a great achievement in such a short time
Very highly recommended ( remember this is a limited edition so grab it while you can from suppliers in the UK this is SK Miniatures and El Greco Miniatures )​
For more information on this and other releases from RP​
Thanks to RP for the review item and to you all for looking in​
Happy Modelling​
This figure in my opinion, far more than previous releases by Hugo and his team, now forms a benchmark for future model quality within our hobby
Some will say it is designed not who cares.
This is a remarkable piece indeed, all praise to Hugo and the crew.
I do hope this us put forward for some form of Industry award as is only right and proper.
Kev I have no idea how you were able to do the review without succumbing to the 'need' to get the brushes out, I am salivating just looking at the photos.

Totes amazeballs.

Hi Guys ,

A couple of pictures from RP ......I have no doubt that we will see this at many competitions in the future I see Roland Yandell is painting one on FB for Euro ..something to look forward to ...Oh and mine is being prepped up ..hopefully with a few surprises!!

Enjoy the Pictures its all there in the resin



Hello my GOOD FRIEND Kev...

What a review... My good friend CONGRATULATIONS... If the Roger is a good figure, he have a proper review... I LOVE IT my friend...

With your photos you can see all the details on... If a few time ago, people can tink, '(...) The renders arent equal to reallity...' Today I have some doubts that people can have this kind of idea... The photo that you put in the previous post its a render... and people have the chance to compare with the reallity resin piece... People can see the quality of castings, because this is very important to... A long time ago a friend tell me... For the castings be good, the master have to be perfect... I never forgot this expression, and in RPmodels we work with this in mind...

I want to express a special word to all of you... I want to say THANK YOU to all of you that lost your time to help us with photos, comments, critics and ideas... Your INPUTS are essencial to have a good figure in the final... Your participation is fundamental and its one thing that I believe a lot... And if we are growing, once again is THANKS to you... I ask you for dont forget that... its very important to me you have this is mind... just to finish, this idea, I just want to say something that I already said in the past, but is always important to tell again... The War World is so big, there are so many details, so many gear, equipment and weapons, that its almost impossible know everthing... Normally people know many thing about one prefer period, era or army... And another people love another army or period... And because of taht its very imporatnt to me receive your help... And I believe this is fundamental to develop a good figure and for RPmodels grow up... And I grow up too...

Thank you for EVERTHING...
Big ugg and take care
Hello Mr. Paul

Im very happy because you liked the review and most of all you liked the figure... Kevin did a great work...

I just want to say THANK YOU... We work a lot, and this project it was a big challenge to us... Fortunally I have a GREAT TEAM and excellent FRIENDS... They are always there to support us and believe in us... I because of them, we can ended Robert Roger... Thanks to all of them...

Once again thank you for your words... They are very important to us...
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Viking Bob...

Thank you Sir for your words... The Edition is almost Out of Stock... Talk with our partners to get one...

Thank you again... Thank you for believe in us and in RPmodels.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Thanks for uploading this review. You beat me to the review and it saves me uploading the photos that I have taken of the model!! :) I have this and the 75mm version and I echo all your comments. The detail and fit is superb and easily matches or surpasses any other model that I have seen. It's a great figure, and a great subject. I'll be very interested to see how the details come out when its painted.

I would be interested to learn from Hugo how its manufactured. I thought that it was to be 3D printed but it looks like it was molded. So, maybe it was 3D modeled, then printed, then a mold created. I'd love to learn more.

Also, thank you so much for uploading the photos of the Ranger items. These will help enormously in painting.
Hello Mr. Gerry

Thank you fot your support and sympathic words...

In first place I want to say you Im very happy because you liked your 75mm Figure.

Everthing is 3D... We use various 3D Softwares to develop the figure... As matter the fact, we use too, moviment and movie softwares for check everthing... The pose is tested, because we want to 100% right that the pose is natural... The anatomy is corrected by me... And this is very important... The study its made by me and for you... We have many people that helps us... One person thsi is always there and available is Kevin... Its one piece very important in RPmodels design and concept... After that we do the master with a 3D print and then the castings in resin... I hope this hepl and if you want to know more, just tell me... Im here for what you need...

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
I have the 75mm version and like Gerry I thought it looked like it was molded although 3D designed. Thank you for the explanation. 3D design and casting is a mystery to me. I love the subject and the castings; the kit is superb. I took the kit to my local club meeting and all were very impressed with it; even the non figure painters.
I have the 75mm version and it is a fantastic figure.The only thing that concerns me is the flash on the musket and strap.Has anybody taken this off and how hard was it to remove?
Hello Mr. Clrsgt

Thank you for your comment Sir...

I feel very happy because you liked and when you told me people that dont do figures was impressed with the figure and his quality its very important to me... Its a way to say, 'Hugo you are in the right track...'

Thank you Sir...
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Marco...

In first place I want to express you Im very happy because you liked...

About the cut of the pieces, we try to put just some fix points for teh cut will be more easy... I will try to talk with people that are doing the figure and I will let you know...

Thank you Sir for trust in us...

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
I have the 75mm version and it is a fantastic figure.The only thing that concerns me is the flash on the musket and strap.Has anybody taken this off and how hard was it to remove?

Hi Mark

Just been prepping mine up , the strap took about 10 minutes of careful cutting , nice to see that Hugo has responded so well


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