Hello friend, some time ago that I do not put figure photos, hos myself introduce it he finalizes that I have painted, I hope hos to like, a greeting gives birth to everybody
He looks fantastic.. he looks like he can just step off
that base. So realastic...
Everything is excellent... I really like the fleshtone.
The metal is great.. with the highlights and shadows..
By the comments everybody a pleasure is to put photos on this forum, I put photos of that of the process of painting from the principle step-by-step when I start polishing the frame wear dirt effects and when pege her figures to the land, I expect to like to everybody, thanks and until the following one thanks......
Hola Roman
Complimenti para este trabajo de pintura
me gusta mucho el color carne y particularmente
la cara ....... por otra parte también la aclimatación es
mucho bueno y eficaz ..... Bravo
Roman, your painting is really fantastic, specifies, clear. highlights and shades posed very well. The color of the tunic is superb. personally I have to learn much from your technique. Congratulation.
PS : It is possible to have precise details on the the colors employed?
No Roman, no creo este ano de ir a Folkestone...creo che Diego Ruina y Pietro Balloni irán....
Nos vemos a Aosta?....no creo verdad?
Hasta pronto
WOW!! That is one hell of a paint job you have done with your figurine - simply BRILLIANT. I love the metal part of the figurine - I can almost see it going rusty. Can I ask how you painted the metal work - I mean what paints did you use. I love the pilum.