Romeo 75mm Spanish Noble


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A Fixture
Jan 13, 2012
Luso, Aveiro, Portugal
Hi PF friends,

I'm starting this great figure but for change I would like to paint it with different colours than the art box ones, which are this:


Well I would like to ask you you're opinion. What colours use? What would be a nice set of colours for this guy? Suggestions are more than welcome :)

I recently have painted this figure for a collector but I painted using the blue and grey tones as in the photo.
I think you can choose any color you like, for example brown for boots and hat, green, red ocher etc, for the clothes, white metal for the cuirass intead of black.
Considering that he´s a nobleman of the XVII century (no regulated uniform) you can imagine your own color combinations.
If I were you I would keep the pattern of the cape, it´s a challenge but is very nice.
In this paint you can find inspiration.

"Recuperación de la isla de San Cristobal" by Felix Castelo, the central character is Don Fadrique de Toledo, comander in chief of the Spanish Armada.

Military miniatures painted by Eduardo Garcia

Thanks a lot Eduardo! I know that these guys like to mix colours, but at the same time I didn't want to get too much colourfull... I'm thinking in green tones and yellow...something like that...but any suggestion is always nice.
The idea is to avoid the box art, because is what I've been doing, so it's a little challenge :)

Thank you very much for your tips friends!!! I will do something based on that for sure ;)
Eduardo, I know that the cape patern is beautifull, Cartacci did an outsanding work, but I don't know if I can match it... very very hard.
As Eduardo wrote it is not a regulated uniform, and talking about baroque fashion you have plenty of freedom to use your imagination. My little tip is that you choose the colors depending on the feeling you want to transmit to the viewer: For a subtle, elegant effect you can use correlative colors of a dominant one, like in this example:


(yellow and green for a blue on the guy on the left).
Otherwise, if you are looking for a more "showy" or luxurious feeling then use complementary colors over the dominant you choose. (the pink thing that lady is wearing on the chest over a green dress is a good example)
Hey Pedro
At the lower end of the social scale... stick to sombre tones- earth tones, blacks, dark blues and dark reds. As you climb the social ladder... the colours become more bright and gaudy- brighter blues and reds, purples, yellows, greens and lots of embroidery, both coloured and metallic (silver and gold). as stated, no hard rules... the clothes match the character!

Good luck. this is a beautiful figure