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Blind Pew

PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 5, 2005
Carlisle, England
Dear all, here's my latest peice. I've included some-in-progress shots to show how I made her. She is sculpted onto a plastic sheet from Magic Sculp. She's about 100mm in height. I know she's not a macho military subject, my next one will be!

I do hope you like it. Any comments/questions or indeed, abuse are all most welcome. Thanks a lot as always.



Excellent work Anthony. I am glad to see you sculpting your own. This one really turned out well both sculpting wise and painting. I look forward to your next one.
Nice to see a representative of the other 50% of the worlds gender.

Also, it is a clean sculpt, a 'flat', a lady, with loose drapery type clothes, and not some 'glamour' type...a attractive lady, but one we're likely to see in the street...apart from the period clothing:)

So well done for this sculpt, and the painting effort so far!

Beautiful piece,Very nice.
I hope you don't go too macho on the next.Well done indeed!
Thank you all for your kind comments, cheers Guy.
I did this subject as a learning exercise. I fell in love with the subject herself as I felt it gave me opportunity to do colours that one doesn't normally do in military miniatures, so a chance to widen my pallette.
Again Guy, one as old/wise as you knows the true benefits of scratchbuilding. It really gets those shackles off. I'm only restricted by what I can do. Feels great.
Fellas , I'll try my best to keep 'em coming.Wish me luck!