Hi all
It was sad to receive this mail from Paul Vickers , current Chairman BMSS
Dear All,
I received the e-mail below from Tony Dilley informing us of the sad death of his father, Roy Dilley, who I am sure everyone will remember from his many years of service to the BMSS and to the wider hobby. Please pass on this information to any of your members who may have known Roy.
Tony gives the date and time of Roy's funeral in his e-mail, should anyone wish to attend. The Surrey and Sussex Crematorium is in Crawley, for more details see http://www.crawleysussex.co.uk/directory/surrey-and-sussex-crematorium.
This is very sad news for us all. Roy was such a well-known and well-liked figure not just in the BMSS but in the wider hobby, and he will be much missed. I am sure that there will be full tributes to him in the Bulletin and that many will have their own memories of him.
Kind regards,
Paul H. Vickers
President, British Model Soldier Society
I met Roy several times in the early part of my time in this hobby and he was as always a pleasure to talk to and so knowledgeable , always having time for others
He wrote several books on Model Soldiers

And also several reference books including these
As well as contributing many articles to modelling magazines including Military Modelling magazine and co writing other books
One of many of his models
Sad news indeed ...
Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time
RIP Roy ( here on the right in this early BMSS picture )
It was sad to receive this mail from Paul Vickers , current Chairman BMSS
Dear All,
I received the e-mail below from Tony Dilley informing us of the sad death of his father, Roy Dilley, who I am sure everyone will remember from his many years of service to the BMSS and to the wider hobby. Please pass on this information to any of your members who may have known Roy.
Tony gives the date and time of Roy's funeral in his e-mail, should anyone wish to attend. The Surrey and Sussex Crematorium is in Crawley, for more details see http://www.crawleysussex.co.uk/directory/surrey-and-sussex-crematorium.
This is very sad news for us all. Roy was such a well-known and well-liked figure not just in the BMSS but in the wider hobby, and he will be much missed. I am sure that there will be full tributes to him in the Bulletin and that many will have their own memories of him.
Kind regards,
Paul H. Vickers
President, British Model Soldier Society
I met Roy several times in the early part of my time in this hobby and he was as always a pleasure to talk to and so knowledgeable , always having time for others
He wrote several books on Model Soldiers

And also several reference books including these

As well as contributing many articles to modelling magazines including Military Modelling magazine and co writing other books
One of many of his models

Sad news indeed ...
Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time
RIP Roy ( here on the right in this early BMSS picture )
