carl reid
A Fixture
If we are now down to the last words, can I ask Moz, to sculpt Arthur Scargill so those of us that don't know who he is or what he done can research and be better informed in our lives. The man is now 75, and led his troops into disaster, but all the same he was a Battler, and I am sure Old Grumbler, who asked me who he was, would enjoy all the Bloody mindlessness of the coal strike. Perhaps he could be sculpted in coal, but it would have to be done in cheap foreign imported. We could even have a policeman bashing him over the head, now that would pose a nice diorama for entry into the civilian category at Euro Militaire.
I heard recently that Scargill took the NUM to court, and lost! To continue to pay the £35000 a year rent on his appartment in Belgravia London!
Its amazing to think that all the while he was encouraging miners to strike with no pay, he was go back to his life of luxury in one of the most affulent areas in the Britain!!