Royal Marine Light Infantry 1914


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I don't know about "not doing them justice". They look absolutely first class to me. Pity GCS and Stormtroopers didn't offer them as full figures to start with!

Kind regards,

I agree Mike. Whilst some great subjects are covered by busts/half figures they do exactly that, only tell half the story and I can only admire people like Jimbo who are in my opinion able to complete the figure.

I have painted busts including Gra's RMLI bugler and I suppose I will paint more in the future as the subjects I like are been produced as busts but for me I would prefer the full figure.

This of course is only my opinion as given the number of busts available from lots of different manufactures they are obviously popular and commercial.

I love this pair, Jimbo done a great job. As Bootneck said they both should be offered as full figures, I would want both,even though I have painted the Bugler Bust. In answer to Keith and the Bugle being too rounded, it looks very much to me as it being the smaller Bugle which were issued to the Cyclist Battalion, and to some RM Buglers. This would be more wieldly in action then the standard infantry pattern. Some years ago, a lad I served with, Al Piner, recorded all the Infantry and Naval Bugle Calls on a tape, titled Sound the Alert, and narrated by the well known newsreader Richard Baker, who was an Officer in the RNR. For some of the Calls Al sounded them on the small Cyclist version Bugle, which has a beautiful distinct tone of its own compared to the Standard Issue.
Jimbo, you did an outstanding job on this pair.

Believe me I would have loved the bugler as a full figure, Jimbo actually did me a set of legs and webbing for the bugler before he did his.

Now to the shock, the bugler only just covered its master costs. I have a feeling Royal Marines are a little niche if not in modern combat uniform, I have also seen a few resold so that is just the recycling of an old sale.

Trying to keep prices down my recent black watch full 200mm was £65 including postage, that as you know didn't sell either. Maybe due to subject but I don't think the price was over the top when it included metal parts.

Even then we keep hearing prices are too high and being of small output and not throwing bulks of resin to the market and relying on mass sales, I can't lower any further as some others may do. I prefer to give a quality piece and as blemish free as possible, I don't sell seconds and the price reflects a compromise of this.

Please don't take this as a moan, it is not and I'm not derailing Jims thread or superb work.
I just mean to say that if you like something, please consider buying it. More adventurous subjects and bigger pieces rely on it, of course only the customer can decide if it is worth it.
The sgt was never a Royal Marine initially and judging by my sales I don't think that would ever have come to market. As a former RM bugler, I think you know that I wouldn't have hesitated as a full figure had I thought it would sell.

That said, I have the legs and if I get 5 or more guaranteed customers I will mould the legs and webbing and sell as complete kits, I cannot be more fair than that and it will show if it is viable and interest is there.
Best wishes
Graham, please I will willingly buy a set of legs from you for a full figure. Put me down as first.
I should have added, if enough interest the figures will be sold as complete full kits so they match up correctly. :).
It is exactly as Jimbo sculpted, I will try and post a picture later if Jimbo doesn't mind
That's great with me, I would sooner buy a full kit. Bring it on, as I can see this will be a limited edition, but something totally different, and appropriate seeing as we are in the 100 th anniversary of WW1. Who knows perhaps Jimbo could be persuaded to make a set of parts up of his Sgt, so that could be produced. Two Cracking Figures in my book.
Just like to say thanks to everybody for your encouraging words on these two RMLI of mine, I must admit I nearly didn't carry the task through but I'm now glad I did as your remarks and interest in them are a great buzz for me, I'm a little bit gobsmacked by everything as I thought this thread had passed away some time back. so thanks to everyone.

Gra if you wish to produce a few limited "legs" for the Bugler then crack on mate they belong to you so do as you want mate, & if anybody else out there wanted legs added to a figure then I'm not hard to be convinced to do so just as long as the agreement suits both involved,but be aware that not all bust/half figures are suited or sculpted in a way that'll allow legs to be added.
I think I'm now known as "Evans the legs" hence my avatar... Ex Fireman with a pair of legs over the shoulder ...just seemed like a natural progression to me!( only joking)
I reckon there's a lot of have a go sculptors out there that are holding back, my advise is go for it, it's a great creative learning curve and if your not a natural & it don't work out then so what! & if your not a natural & it does work out then brilliant, try & bring an idea to life that's all I ever have done & I've had no formal art training of any kind & believe me there are plenty attempts that I've scraped, I had many doubts over these two RMLI's so I'm really chuffed that you like em so much.
One thing I'd like to add is a big thanks to Carl Reid for sculpting the two bust's in the first place or I would never have been inspired to "carry on" with the legs
Also thanks to Stu & Gra for producing these two fine busts of British Military History.

Jimbo ,

Look the only reason you're so good is I eat all the biccies hence you can get close enough to the bench to work....see all heart me eh mate..he he

Please do not say those are your legs over that firemans shoulders on your avatar!

Great stuff mate get painting


PS ..All requests for legs should contact me ..30% as his manager
Jimbo ,

Look the only reason you're so good is I eat all the biccies hence you can get close enough to the bench to work....see all heart me eh mate..he he

Please do not say those are your legs over that firemans shoulders on your avatar!

Great stuff mate get painting


PS ..All requests for legs should contact me ..30% as his manager

Hi Nap like your business acumen, not sure what it will do for the costs though. Lol.

Jimbo, thanks for the encouragement, who knows one day but still tremble at the thought of doing a rifle sling. Lol.

Seriously,what medium do you use? Looks like yellow miliput but may be wrong.
I am presuming you use a wire amateur to build the legs on?
Yeah nice try Kev Ha!(y)

I use a wire armature, normally copper electrical socket wire, stripped of it's insulation & twisted together until it's strong enough to stand on it's own, the reason I use electrical wire is it's easy to bend & cut& twist or grind the unwanted ends once the sculpt is complete ( also I have loads left over in me shed from working on my house!) then drill & fix the top of the wire into the underside of the bust, shape the wire legs into the desired pose & then drill & fix the bottom end of the wire legs into a wood base
Then build the bulk of the legs /figure I build up in stages with Standard Milliput (it's cheap & it works well) a first layer is put on just to strengthen & firm the wire, once that is hard add another one or two layers to form rough muscle structure, this doesn't have to be exact if your adding clothing, this now must be left to set hard, then a final layer is put on over the rough nude to form clothing & folds etc, I use a sculpting tool to form the creases touched in Vaseline to stop the putty sticking to the tool,then to smooth off I use a clean paintbrush wiped in Vaseline, you can use water rather then Vaseline but I find it gets too messy with water. I sometimes use magi-sculpt for the clothing or milliput, just depends on how it's going,Magi sculpt is a lot finer & smoother but far more expensive, so good for finer detail etc,
The main trick to remember is to let each layer built up then harden off before adding the next layer...I stick to these rules that I've learnt by trial & a lot of F**%5$king swearing & lots of bollockings from the Missus .....but this method seems to work for me.
Jimbo, what I really want is for somehow you can get together with Gra, and you can both come up with a casting of your Sgt,so that the pair is available to buy together. That would be fantastic,and popular I am sure. Ok I would expect it to be a bit more expensive than normal, but it would be well worth it. Pie in the sky???? Perhaps but it don't stop me wishing.
Hi Jim.
Many thanks for the detailed explanation how you build the legs on your figures. I am well equipped in one area. "Lots of Effing & Geoffing left" not sure about the other requirements will have a look around.

As Nap says "that's all their is to it" then given your explanation I can see how easy it is. (Seriously only joking on this point)
All credit to you.

I have saved the pictures you posted as a point of reference if I ever get tempted to give it a shot

Waterman, I too would love to be able to buy this as a complete pair in kit form. As we know Gra of CGS has made this feasible on the bugler if he gets enough orders. Not sure what Stu at Stormtrooper who supply the donor kit for the sgt would have to say though.

Again many thanks for a interesting and informative thread.
