Completed Royalist Heavy Cavalry Officer 1644 - Valiant Miniatures 54mm metal


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Aug 18, 2004
Hickory Hills, Illinois (Chicago Burbs)
Well, after the last few 28mm vignettes, etc., I decided for a temporary change of pace. After rummaging through my gray army, I came across a bunch of Valiant (and other manufacture's) figures from the distant past. While many, if not most, are not up to today's standards, they are fun and quick figures to paint and allow me to reminisce and just enjoy myself.

Interesting enough, Valiant is still in business and has a web site and ebay store. They also bought up the old Squadron Rubin line and others. I painted many of the squadron Rubin figures on commission and for display in the local Squadron Shop in the 70's-80's. Good times.

The Royalist Officer below was released in the late 70's and is special to me because it was a commercial sculpt I did for Valiant under the watchful eyes of Shep Paine, the creative half of Valiant Enterprises at the time and a good friend.

Anyway, the figure was not modified except for removal of the cast on base. He was always meant to have an arrogant, aristocratic appearance and I tried to paint him as such. He is also in town and not in the field, hence pretty clean. :)

The base is made from Magic Sculpt meant to look like a cobblestone street. I added an iron fence from an old Photo etched kit by VLS to reinforce the "in town" feel.

That's it!
Thanks for looking,







While it’s true most of their figures don’t hold up to today’s standards, they do still have some that paint up nicely and this is one of them. Nice job all around
While it’s true most of their figures don’t hold up to today’s standards, they do still have some that paint up nicely and this is one of them. Nice job all around

Thanks Matt, I agree! This is a simple one piece casting, except for the scabbard, and quite fun to paint for a change. There is also a bit of a challenge to bring the older sculpts to life and I enjoy that.

These "oldies but goldies" are always fun to paint.You have managed to capture the snobish attitude of the aristocrat both in sculpting and painting.You have worked side by side with the great Shep?Lucky guy you are indeed Ken.

These "oldies but goldies" are always fun to paint.You have managed to capture the snobish attitude of the aristocrat both in sculpting and painting.You have worked side by side with the great Shep?Lucky guy you are indeed Ken.


Thanks Oda! The hobby has been good to me and being friends with so many other wonderful people in the hobby, in person or online, is the best part.
