WIP The Ambush.....1/30th vignette from Castle Miniatures


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Outstanding in every possible way.Master Vladimir will be thrilled to see how far you have come in order to do justice to his work.Oh and if by "nerdy" you mean "one hell of a modeler" then you're doing justice to yourself and rightly so.Keep posting mate !!

Hi Mike

Sorry to hear about the hassle with the storm glad it's all sorted

I agree with Oda one hell of a job on the base work tree ...still at least you had close up references to hand !

Look forward to seeing more on this

Happy benchtime

Beautiful start to the base, and I love the research you're sharing. I'm an oiler too, Mike. Good to hear you are back up to speed, trees cleared, roof fixed, and in the bunker. Ruck On Bby!
Thanks guys for the kind comments. Like most of us I suspect,
I usually start with the figures - they're more interesting than the
scenery as a rule. But with this one the base had to come first
because it would be too difficult to 'do' the tree with the painted
figures in place, and I'm just not happy leaving finished figures
vulnerably loafing about while I work on the groundwork. This
makes the last couple of posts rather a teasing fan dance, but
I've started work on Mackintosh today, so if we allow a day or
two for a token Christmas 'truce' where we unselfishly hang up
the brushes to watch awful seasonal movies and eat ourselves
silly, I'll post some pictures soon........

Weeks ago, at the beginning of the year, I was ready and
eager to start work on the Mackintosh figure. I decided to
paint the face first .....and almost immediately found myself
sinking deeper and deeper into the 'you-know-what'. It's
taken me all this time to dig my way out.

When I first began painting figures,1/30th scale was par
for the course - Historex stuff of that size used to roll off
the brushes at the rate of knots. Now, half a century on
and not surprisingly having to rely on hefty magnification,
it's all rather different. Whether it was a simple failure of
concentration, or some kind of self induced pressure,
or that I was just plain scared of it, I have no idea - but
I could not for the life of me paint this face ! No fewer than
eight attempts were made and each time the results were
so bad that the only thing to do was clean off the mess
and start over. Time after time it not only stalled momentum
but insidiously created a crisis of confidence which made
me believe that working at this scale was no longer possible
for an old fart like me. The frustration of trying to overcome
this seemingly insurmountable problem and knowing full
well that I was perfectly capable but just unable to find a
way through, was too much and for a long time I was lost.

I wish I could boast that the calm and patient persistence
that is supposed to come to us with age saved the day,
but in the end it took nine attempts and a completely
immature world class temper tantrum before I finally
pulled my bloody finger out and got the bloody thing
done !!!! The notion of a 73 year old throwing his toys
out of the pram is absurd I know, but it did the trick and
with a return of confidence I was able at last to get on.
So...more in a few days



I know where you are coming from Mike. Things should in theory get easier with practice but age has a way of getting in the way. My main problem is arthritic fingers coupled with longsightedness.

Glad to see you persevered, nice job on the face and I love the ginger hair. Can you say ginger these days?


I'm with you on this one Mike. I too have days when I just can't get things to gel. Frustration leads to loss of enthusiasm and in the end I often put the thing aside and start something completely different. I'm in that situation at the moment, though in this case the subject matter is the problem.
Like Bill, I suffer arthritic thumbs and that doesn't help. As a 75 year old I can assure you tantrums are not the sole province of the young:mad:
For all the hassles, you seem to have nailed it now - looks good!

All of us in our '70's endeavour to persevere, it's what we do, because we love our hobby. I,too, share your frustrations, and I constantly try not let something get the better of me. Mr. Danilov's sculpts in 1/30 th are always a challenge with their fine details, but I find the end results are so worth it that I soldier on ( awful pun !:rolleyes: ). I'm very even tempered these days, unlike my younger days, so can leave my toy room and have a read until the muse returns. Or when the old arthritis in both hands and upper back/neck eases . I confess I stay away from metal figures now, resin figures obviously being so much lighter stop me getting thumb cramp.
Oh, the joys of advancing years, and still I'm like a kid at Christmas when I get a whiff of the wonderful new figures coming out to tempt us.
Mike, the face on your Highlander is finely done, mate.....I would certainly be happy with it. Looking forward to seeing more......(y):happy:

I know where you are coming from Mike. Things should in theory get easier with practice but age has a way of getting in the way. My main problem is arthritic fingers coupled with longsightedness.

Glad to see you persevered, nice job on the face and I love the ginger hair. Can you say ginger these days?



Thanks Bill....Ginger, Auburn, Red, I've even heard the colour called Titian, so
whatever you like. I chose it as a foil to the uniform colours that surround it.
I tend to think a lot about colour harmony so a slightly florid complexion and
red hair will appear to soften and harmonise against the dark blue bonnet and
collar. As for the achy bones...well, they go with the territory these days along
with all that 'do-you-really-need-the-TV-so loud?' stuff..........right?:)

I'm with you on this one Mike. I too have days when I just can't get things to gel. Frustration leads to loss of enthusiasm and in the end I often put the thing aside and start something completely different. I'm in that situation at the moment, though in this case the subject matter is the problem.
Like Bill, I suffer arthritic thumbs and that doesn't help. As a 75 year old I can assure you tantrums are not the sole province of the young:mad:
For all the hassles, you seem to have nailed it now - looks good!


Thanks Phil.........Colour choices, mixing and blending, creating the right finish, so forth
doesn't present too many problems. It's the tight accuracy of line - especially around the
eyes, that I found so elusive. Still persistence ( and a bit of harsh language) helps....eh?

All of us in our '70's endeavour to persevere, it's what we do, because we love our hobby. I,too, share your frustrations, and I constantly try not let something get the better of me. Mr. Danilov's sculpts in 1/30 th are always a challenge with their fine details, but I find the end results are so worth it that I soldier on ( awful pun !:rolleyes: ). I'm very even tempered these days, unlike my younger days, so can leave my toy room and have a read until the muse returns. Or when the old arthritis in both hands and upper back/neck eases . I confess I stay away from metal figures now, resin figures obviously being so much lighter stop me getting thumb cramp.
Oh, the joys of advancing years, and still I'm like a kid at Christmas when I get a whiff of the wonderful new figures coming out to tempt us.
Mike, the face on your Highlander is finely done, mate.....I would certainly be happy with it. Looking forward to seeing more......(y):happy:


Hi Alan,how are you doing ? ....all well I hope. We're two minds with a single thought
about Volodya's work....which is why I suppose we feel the need to try harder to do it
proper justice...eh? Thanks for the kind comment......I'm actually a bit in advance of
the photos (thought I'd give myself a bit of a buffer in case of further 'jitters') so more
will definitely follow soon..........

I think you are doing one hell of a job and I wait eagerly for the next step and for seeing the end result.

I think you are doing one hell of a job and I wait eagerly for the next step and for seeing the end result.


Totally agree

Like the face and the ginger hair ..very apt ...like others I have had downs where things just didn't happen .....but it's the hobby and seeing other members benchtime like your work the pulled me back

Look forward to more updates Mike

Happy benchtime

Things have been moving at such a snail's pace with
this project that it might be supposed I'd given up with
it . Absolutely not so.......but a routine and long overdue
appointment with the optician a while ago brought to
light a number of important issues. Primarily I've been
diagnosed with suspected retinal occlusion.- a problem
with the blood vessels at the back of my right eye. The
medics are still trying to define the cause so it's been a
whole series of blood tests in order to decide possible
interventions. Things being as they are with the staff at
the hospital being driven ragged, everything's taking
forever. Retinal occlusion is not curable but can be
managed to a limited extent with surgical treatment and
medication. As if that wasn't enough the optician also
found cataracts in both of my eyes - cor blimey what a
bugger.....still cataracts can at least be removed with
surgery......the occlusion thing has to be sorted first.
Anyway....painting has been ruled out for a while but
I'm determined to finish this project no matter how long
it takes...just bear with me ....eh?.


Mike, it ain't a race,mate.....it gets done as and when you feel the old mojo working, right ? McNab is looking great (I like the barred feathers..nice touch )
Extremely sorry to read about your eye problems; hopefully all that will be sorted sooner rather than later.

Catching up with this, Mike, excellent progress. Knowing first hand myself how it is to work with Vladimir's scuplts this is obviuosly a pleasure to work on with some great details.

Now, as far as temper tantrums go, I will admit my wife says I'm 6, not 60! I did, however, grow out of throwing expensive items, lol. Ah, we gotta keep a sence of humor about us, don't we?

Great work, Mike. Cheers, Ski.
Hi Mike

Great to see you posting , as Alan says this is no race , just get yourself sorted for which I and all send best wishes....don't know how the nurses controlled themselves having someone so macho near them ...lol

Thanks for the update pic coming along nicely , like the fleshwork and the feathers

Take care

Look forward to more ...when you can

Take care and best wishes

Happy benchtime

Thanks for the kindly words guys...much appreciated.
A couple of things I intended to mention later might
be appropriate as I'm having to sit here twiddling my

At the beginning of all this I spoke of my preference for '
relative' rather than 'absolute' colours. Seen in isolation
the 'relative' scarlet used on the tunic is not really scarlet
at all - it's more of a grubby orange. At the same time the
blue used for the facings has been dulled with violet and
burnt umber. As individual tones both appear completely
wrong - until they're brought together.on the figure
when...hey presto!...they work. I's an optical trick I've
used for years.


While we're talking about the peculiarities of oils,
something that crops up here from time to time is
their tendency to cure with a semi-gloss finish. It
can be thoroughly irksome in the wrong place
and spoil our efforts. In fact such glossiness will
always dissipate - although it can sometimes take
many months or even years. My own solution is
to use Spike Lavender Oil as the 'leveller' (the
medium necessary to change the consistency
of the paint). Lavender oil smoothes the colour
without degrading the pigment - unlike White Spirit,
or Turpentine which as powerful solvents destroy
the structure of the paint. Lavende r Oil evaporates
quite swiftly and within an hour or two 'dries' to a
matt finish. A reasonable 'leather' look can be
created with an additional touch of linseed in the
mix will give a controlled soft sheen.