Thanks for your opinion, my friends.
But I not love 1/48 scale - I love 1/35 scale. 1/35 have biggest range of AFV, aftermarket and figures kits for diorama building. (I very love diaramas, but they is very hard for build and catch very many time) And what is 1/48 range? Not great Tamiya AFV line, some Hobby Boss kits, poor aftermarket... and until all. 1/48 AFV-scale, I believe, was only marketing project of Tamiya and... wave fall down and now I can't see any good news in this scale from plastic manufactures. But 1/35 in triumph - I saw very many interesting news in plastic, especially new lorries and cars (Opel Admiral, GAZ-AA...mmmm.... I want sculpt figures for these kits!)
Furthermore, figures in 1/48 scale is pretty smaller than figures in 1/35 scale. And I will have smaller field of work in figures detailing, showing emotions and equipments. Time of work is also big factor. Do you know "law of cube-square" from a technical culture (from aircraft design)? I tried sculpt small scale and knew this. Imagine what the laboriousness of sculpt 1/35 figure is X and price for sale Y. What cost of sale 1/72 figure will be? A quarter of Y - because it is very small figure. And what laboriousness of sculpt 1/72 figure (I mean a good collection quality, not cheap for wargames)? Do you think quarter of X also as a price? No! It will be approx of half of X! Work for small scale like in large - search of poses, form, historical authentic, stage of sculpt are similar. It rule work in big scale also. Why popularity of 75 mm scale grow and popularity of 54 mm fall? I believe what one of the cause is "law of cube-square".
But I have some figures ideas in 1/48 scale. In last time I saw very many interesting news in 1/48 aircraft. Il-2 from Tamiya, La-5FN from Zvezda - it planes need good crew for my future dioramas! And German, of course.