Safari Hunter


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New Member
Mar 21, 2006
First off Hello all, I'm Ryan from Houston.

I have been painting smaller scale gaming minis for a few years, but I have started to take interest in painting larger scale historical figures. This is my first endeavor in that vein, an Andrea African Hunter. I would really appriciate some feedback and ideas on how to improve my skills, as this is a new scale to me. Thanks :)


Hi !! I writh in french...sorry :lol:

Alors l'ambiance est bonne puisqu'au premier coup d'oeil on voit de quoi il s'agit :) doute qu'il parte à la chasse avec un foulard rouge....
Ensuite je trouve son teint de peau trés rosé, la lumière posée sur le front me parait trop forte étant donné qu'il porte un chapeau....
Et surtout !! ses sourcils sont trop haut et lui confère une expression bizare...
A part ces quelques remarques je trouve que tu t'en est trés bien sorti pour une première figurine à cette échelle...bravo :)

ciao ciao
I think you've done an outstanding job here. Your colors are spot-on, the over all look has a fantastic "old movie" look to it. I think your highlight and shadow are nicely done. The front of the jacket, could maybe use a bit more "push" in the the contrasts, but over-all you have done a real stand-up job here. The slight variation you achieved in the khaki colors from the shirt to the shorts is a very nice touch as well, something not everyone would strive for. Good work on a fun piece!

Jay H.
I agree with Minos on the light, rosy skin tone. A bit more suntanned would suggest an outdoorsman more. I also agree with Monos on the eyebrows appearing a bit high. Where I disagree with himi is his comment on the red bandanna. Most animals are color blind and this should not present a problem. Look at the typical ldeer hunter in his blaze orange. Actually, I lilke the red in the bandanna in that iit addas a splash of color. Of course, that was your intent, right? ;)
I like the multi shades of khaki you achieved. Good variety on what could have been a very monochromatic figure.
A comment on the figure's sculpting. To my eye, this guy has the smallest waist of any male figure I've ever seen! Looking at it again, the figure from the waist down looks too small for the upper torso. Nothing the painter can do about that, though.
C'est exact pour le ne m'en souvenais plus ;)
à part si il chasse le taureau de Camargue :lol:
Ce n'est pas le rouge que le taurau chasse mais le movement du manteau. Le traditon est d'utilaser le manteau rouge.
Merci pour la chance a pratique mon francais. :)
Thanks for the feedback thus far.

It sounds like most of you see the same critiques of him as I do.

The skin being the main one. Were I to repaint him I would definitly go for a more tanned skin with better contrast. My next figure will be a cowbow bounty hunter, and he needs that style of skin, so we'll see how well I can pull it off.

The eyebrow thing is also true, the are to high. I had noticed that earlier. I may go back and fix that.

I'm also happy the difference between the shorts and shirt was noticed. At first I had them base coated the same color. But then I thought better of it and tweaked the short's tone a bit. I guess it was the right decision.
Hi Ryan -

You have done a great job on this figure. You certainly have the basic talents and skills. You may want to focus more on developing your "eye" for color and style.

One thing you might want to do is get to a figure show in your area. You will be able to get ideas from others' work, and if you ask nicely and don't get defensive (not to imply that you would!) I'm sure you can get one or two more experienced painters to give you a personal critique of your work. Good luck.
Nice job Ryan! I would echo the comments about the skin and eyebrows. Was this on the table at the Houston Show?

One of the North Texas Figure Club members also did this figure, but opted for a more bleached out look to the khaki. Go here:

I normally stick to medieval figures, but I thought of trying this one as well, but using a khaki green instead of khaki tan. Vive l'difference...


(Still trying to put a face on your name; dang, I hate middle age...)
Originally posted by Glen@Mar 22 2006, 12:15 PM
Nice job Ryan! I would echo the comments about the skin and eyebrows. Was this on the table at the Houston Show?

(Still trying to put a face on your name; dang, I hate middle age...)
Yes I had him entered in the 54MM and smaler category.

I was the big guy in the pale green shirt hanging out at your groups dispaly table near the end of the show. :)