A Fixture
This is the first fantasy release from Sarnia Miniatures. I think he has a bit of a cheeky look on his face as he glances up the hill to the amassed enemy. He is outnumbered ten to one, just the way he likes it.....
This bust was reviewed by Nap and can be seen here
This is actually take two. I experimented with some different looks to the metalwork and totally messed it up so it was a good bath in Dettol and then re primed using Tamiya grey from a rattle can.
For a change, I have done the face in acrylic this time. Still need a bit of tweaking which I will do nearer the end.
As you can see, the hair and magnificent beard have been blocked in so it is time to start on the metals again.

This bust was reviewed by Nap and can be seen here
This is actually take two. I experimented with some different looks to the metalwork and totally messed it up so it was a good bath in Dettol and then re primed using Tamiya grey from a rattle can.

For a change, I have done the face in acrylic this time. Still need a bit of tweaking which I will do nearer the end.
As you can see, the hair and magnificent beard have been blocked in so it is time to start on the metals again.