SBS SS Sturmbannfuhrer


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A Fixture
Oct 25, 2008
Perth, Australia
Hi all Planeteers,
Thought I would show some pics of this kit that I am painting at the moment. It's Pegaso's 90mm SS Sturmbannfuhrer 2nd Panzer Division 1944. I was attracted to the kit by the beautiful sculpting and the cocky stance of the figure as well as the German Shepard dog by his side.
The kit is of Pegaso's usual high standard, and fit of parts look to be great. I will be putting him on a diorama base consisting of a destroyed building and street front.
I generally paint in oils and will try and give the colours that I used through out the SBS.



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The next series of photo's are of the flesh areas of the kit. After the usual cleaning up and undercoating with Tamiya grey primer, I airbrushed the parts with tamiya flesh and let this dry for at least two days before adding the oils. During this time, I painted in the eyes using an off white for the eyeball and then a blue for the iris, followed by black for the pupil.
Oils were then used next. I use the Rowney Georgian brand. The shadows were based in using Flesh Tint+Burnt Sienna. The first picture shows this step.
The second picture shows the pinkish tint in the cheeks. This was done by adding a little Scarlet Lake red to the oils from the last step. Some of the highlights are being put down in this step also. Flesh tint + a small bit of Titanium white was used. The hair and cap are base coated to give me a better understanding of the total look.
The third picture has the beard lightly added plus some more highlights. The beard is the first highlight colours with a little prussian blue and Paynes grey added. I only did a very suptle hint of this as I wanted a clean shaven look and also the fact that he is blond haired. The highlights are as before but a tad more white added. These I am only adding to the highest points such as the wrinkles around the eyes, nose, ears and knuckles.
The fourth picture is the almost completed flesh areas. A few deeper shadows are added such as darker patches around the eyes to give a tired look, fingernails using a lighter highlight, plus a few more highlights on the very extemeties of the face.
I usually add some more fine touches when the head is attatched to the body, as you then get a better overall feel of his expression to his body language.
Cheers for looking,


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Here are some pictures of how the body is progressing. First off I airbrushed the overcoat and the uniform as seperate parts. Although this helped in the painting process, I scratched a lot of paint off while trying to glue the uniform section into the overcoat parts as it's a very tight fit. If I built this again, I would assemble the parts first and then hand paint the base coats.
For the base coats, I used a mixture of Tamiya German Grey + Flat Black for the overcoat and Tamiya Field Grey + Olive Green for the uniform. This looked waaaaayyyyyy toooo green but I hoped the it would all tone down when I added the oils.
The first photo is of the assembled sections with the uniform base coated and the first round of oils added. The shadows are Sap Green + a touch of Raw Umber + a varying amount of Paynes Grey depending on the deepness of the shadow. The highlights are Sap Green + Titanium White + Cadmium Yellow for the first round and then adding a bit more white and yellow for the second highlight. I have also blocked in the collar in Tamiya German Grey and the badges and belt in Tamiya Flat Black.
The second photo shows the uniform with a few spot washes in the deepest shadows. I used Paynes Grey, Sap Green and Burnt Umber in varying mixes depending on where I wanted some extra colour or shadowing. I have also painted the medals and buttons using Model Master Steel and then a touch of Chrome Silver for the high points. The Iron Cross ribbon also has the Red, White and Black stripes added.
The third photo is of the pistol holster. I base coated this in Tamiya Flat Black with oil Ivory Black for the shadows and Paynes Grey + Burnt Sienna for the highlights.
I will try and do some more over the weekend and post photos.



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Hi Tony, thanks for that. Yeah, I originally thought that the uniform was too green, but now that I have toned it down some, I think that it is not too bad. The overcoat is still in the base colour as the model is quite heavy, and I tended to hold the actual kit while painting the uniform, this kept removing some of the base coat. I will paint the coat at the end.
Hello again,
Here are some pictures of the begining of painting the German shepard dog. I found that there was qiute a bit of work blending the fur areas where the two side halves joined together. I ended up using Mr Surfacer 500 that was starting to go off as it was thicker. By using it in this form, I was able to blend it over the joins as well as add some extra fur detail around the neck and collar and down the legs. This gave just a bit more detail to look at. He was then base coated in Tamiya Buff and then given a few thick washes using oils Raw Sienna and a touch of Burnt Umber. The black areas were then added using Ivory Black that was thinned down to a very thick wash and added to where I wanted the dark areas to be. Once this had started to dry, I reverse dry brushed ( wiped the paint off ) it back to leave the black in the recesses of the fur and a lighter Black colour on the higher parts of the fur. This is the stage where the photos are showing. I have a lot of work yet to do on him before completition but I will get the diorama base started so as I dont have to handle the kit any more.
Thanks for looking and any comments are always welcome.


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Cheers mark for your comments. the sculpt on the dog is spot on for the likeness and pose of the German Shepard, it's one of the things that I like so much about this kit.
Nice SBS. I've almost purchased this kit several times just to be able to paint the dog! I love German Shepards.
Hi Ben

Nice work.
Good to still your work even though you moved away. I have this kit, so thanks for naming some colours for me.
