Thank you Mitsutaka for your comments, I have been watching your progress on your stuff as well, but I cant keep up with your speed. Hey Paul, good to hear from you, hows things in the eastern states?
Anyway, here are some pics of the progress of the base. The walls were pre-made items that I picked up many moons ago, I dont know who made them but it fitted perfectly with what I had in mind. I had to add the interior detail by scribing the brickwork and cracks in the plaster as well as adding some small details and cleaning it up a bit. The wooden floor inside was made from balsa wood, as was the damaged window frame and what will be the roof trusses. The sidewalk outside was scratchbuilt using plaster of paris and scribed to form the stone work. All the broken bricks and rubble was made similar to the sidewalk in one large piece and then broken up into small bits. This forms great damaged looking brickwork.
All this was pieced together to look as though the building was damaged a while ago and not as if it was recently bombed out.
I will be adding all this to a wooden base and painting it up before adding the figure and the dog.
Any comments are welcome as usual