Scotland independence


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Ron my lovely wife is listening to a Runrig Concert on her MP3 player and say's so long as you don't block the airwaves she doesn't give ( not very lady like ) toss .
Ron I'm sure It was John Reid not Smith . it was the death of John Smith the leader of the labour party that let that piece of slim Blair into power , if only it could have been the other way around .

Was at a meeting in the then Scottish Executive when one of the secretaries came in to tell us John Smith had died. Most of us had at some point worked with / for him and I can't tell you the sense of despair that came over everyone. Probably the greatest loss of political potential this country (GB) has suffered. A genuinely able and decent man with steely conviction and an absolute sense of fairness and an understanding of the ordinary person. What did we get....New Labour quasi Tories.
Just a reminder that in May 1997 the UK government consisted of a Scottish Prime Minister, Scottish Chancellor, Scottish Defence Minister, Scottish Foreign Secretary and a host of other Scots in positions of power. If there was a move to English independence at the time, I didn't notice it! Aren't salmon and sturgeons types of fish?

I don't really want to be a separatist, but when Cameron and his bullies say that we will lose the pound and revenue from oil, you think what next. if its one thing the people in Scotland don't like its someone trying to bully us into submission,if that's his tactics he is very wrong./badger
Yes voters are kidding themselves on,as I keep saying "it's not going to happen".Stop thinking about what independence will do for you and think of the generation of kids to come.
The merging of the 2 parliaments in 1707 was because Scotland was near bankrupt due to Scots investing in The Darien Scheme which went tits up.
Most of you guys comments are all about what would happen now but forever is a long time.
John Smith, YES the BEST Prime Minister that Britain never had. What a sad period, and that Prick Blair at the end of it, is all we could come up with. Badger, I HATE Cameron and all his cronies, but in this instance I don't see that his stance on the Pound and North Sea Oil is bullying the Scots. Not at all. If you decide that you are better on your own, then that is what it is, You are on your OWN. Why should you then hold the rest of the UK as a Get out of Jail Free card. You will have chosen to be a foreign country sharing a border with England. But don't worry it ain't going to happen, the Scots may be a Proud Canny lot, but they are not as Daft as Salmond and Sturgeon hope they are.
Quite a few apparent parallels to Quebec in Canada. Separate culture, separate language, historical resentments, economic jealousy and weird food. I guess it will come down to emotion and analysis.

Colin, thanks for reminding me of Quebec, and a Fellow Kentishman General Wolf. Note Kentishman and definatly not Man of Kent. Now there is a History lesson waiting in the wings.
Jon, it's all down to what side of the River Medway you were born, East or West side. Then on top of that an historic battle between the Kentish Tribes, during the Roman invasion that led to the Romans leaving Kent and marching North having not conquered the Kentish Tribes. Hence the Counties Motto INVICTA, on the badge of Kent, A White Horse. HMS Kent always went into Action with a Bunch of tree sticks tied to her Main Mast in commemoration of the Battle. General Wolf was born in Westerham on the west bank of the Medway, so he was a Kentishman, had he have been born on the East side,then he would have been a Man of Kent.
Failing to see how its bullying as well, just for the record it is EVERY single none Scottish party including Plaid Cymru ffs that say no to Scotland having the pound etc so screaming about nasty Tory toffs is a bit of a smokescreen. For the record I am not a Cameron supporter (unless I am winding Carl up ;) but do find the anti English chest beating a bit silly rather like a toddler showing its half eaten food in an effort to shock/get its own way.
Jon, it's all down to what side of the River Medway you were born, East or West side. Then on top of that an historic battle between the Kentish Tribes, during the Roman invasion that led to the Romans leaving Kent and marching North having not conquered the Kentish Tribes. Hence the Counties Motto INVICTA, on the badge of Kent, A White Horse. HMS Kent always went into Action with a Bunch of tree sticks tied to her Main Mast in commemoration of the Battle. General Wolf was born in Westerham on the west bank of the Medway, so he was a Kentishman, had he have been born on the East side,then he would have been a Man of Kent.

Many thanks for that. I've been to Kent loads of times and never knew there was a difference! (y)
I have always considered the United Kingdom to be greater than the sum of its parts and as an Englishman (with Aussie parents) I very much hope the Scots choose NOT to separate. If they do choose independence, of course they can keep the pound (Bank of Scotland, or Bank of England). What they cannot do is expect the B of E to be the lender of last resort, or run the rUK economy to support the Scottish economy. This is not 'bullying' it is a statement of fact. If the Scots want independence, so be it, but independence means exactly that. I'm not sure that the people living in the PIIGS part of the Eurozone would whole heartedly recommend being part of a currency over which they had no control.

As an aside, I wonder what the oil situation would be if the Orcadians chose to return to Norwegian sovereignty?

Quebec is a fine example of what is happening in Great Britain. All you have to do is substitute Scotland for Quebec, Great Britain for Canada and to a certain degree, the EU for the US. Not satisfied in continuously attempting to split this country, they (Bloc Quebecois/Parti Quebecois) want all the benefits of Canada as a back up.....currency, passport/travel rights, trade agreements (NAFTA), control of the St. Lawrence Seaway, hydro-electric power (big supplier of electricity to the eastern seaboard of North America). Same retroact, threats, counter threats, etc. Leaves everyone worried, confused, angry.

Sound familiar? It should. Members of these parties have been acting as campaign advisors to Salmond and his misguided cronies. Although their last referendum attempt was a 'near run thing', hopefully, Salmond will experience the same failure as our francophone brothers here in Canada. Strength in numbers(y)

BTW, when asked I'm Scots by birth (or grace of God;)), British by association and Canadian by choice
I apologise for using the word bullying, and I am not advocating a split from England, I am british and proud of it ,i think it would be a mistake to go independent but.due to the savage cuts inflicted on Scotland by thatcher and the tories its easy to want a split from them. I served in the royal marines and took an oath to the queen and country, all of the country,not part of it. I was a brit/scot in the marines and still am/ a brit/scot./badger.
So did I Badger, joined at the Depot Deal in 1958, so hello to a fellow Royal. I didn't think you was Bullying mate, so no apologies needed. I've also got and had a lot of friends in Scotland, my family originated in Scotland,well the Kingdom actually,Fife. I am English and proud of it, but together we are all stronger. Cameron won't want to go down in history as the Prime Minister that lost Scotland, but him and his Party have gone the right way of possibly doing just that. I think in the end common sense will prevail and united we will all remain. Let's face it Cameron Salmond Sturgeon, and all the rest of them will only be hear for a Dog Watch and then we will be well rid.
Think if it as a rocky marriage...if you get your steam up and make an emotional decision, your long- term financial prospects are unlikely to be improved. Better to just get separate rooms and some counselling.

ha ha, I like the rocky marriage idea and separate rooms / Cameron in one and salmon in the other or better still take them to the ranges at kingsdown and use them for target practice./ but seriously the only way to beat this recession is to stay together, pull together and support one another. when you look at the unrest in other parts of the world we are lucky to be here in the united kingdom/badger.
Well lets see ! The oil is Scottish ,the debt is English ,the pound is to be shared ,oh and we will be looking for a handout from the treasury to make amends for all the past dastardly deeds done to us ,just like the guilt money handed out to India each year :)