A Fixture
Ron my lovely wife is listening to a Runrig Concert on her MP3 player and say's so long as you don't block the airwaves she doesn't give ( not very lady like ) toss .
Ron I'm sure It was John Reid not Smith . it was the death of John Smith the leader of the labour party that let that piece of slim Blair into power , if only it could have been the other way around .
Was at a meeting in the then Scottish Executive when one of the secretaries came in to tell us John Smith had died. Most of us had at some point worked with / for him and I can't tell you the sense of despair that came over everyone. Probably the greatest loss of political potential this country (GB) has suffered. A genuinely able and decent man with steely conviction and an absolute sense of fairness and an understanding of the ordinary person. What did we get....New Labour quasi Tories.