Rest assured! The heads are conversions of previous Alpine ones of course.
Some of you might be able to recognize the original heads that I am using here.
If you look carefully, the forehead, nose, ears (one of the heads), cheeks, mouth/jaw
and neck angle are all re-sculpted to give different appearance than the original.
Once these heads have their hat or helmet on, they will be quite different than
the originals. A lot of modelers don't seem to realize this, but it takes just as long
time and effort to convert a head (the way I do) because you still have to re-make
many facial details.
When I do make a whole new head, I start this by carving a dried doe of
putty. Roughly carve and shave out the head, making sure it's as symmetric as
possible. Then repeat the adding and subtracting putty until it's done.
The belt buckle made with PE part is also my own design. I had a bunch
of PE parts custom-made both in 1/35 and 1/16 a few years ago. I had to
create the digital files myself on Adobe Illustrator. It was well worth the trouble.

If you plan to make your own PE parts, remember this. Most of the PE makers
will ask you for digital files. If you are not comfortable with certain design
applications, it can be a daunting task.