Jason W.
A Fixture
Great work on the trousers, pard! Nice touch w/ the button hole on the pocket flap. 
Guy, thanks. I may have drifted away maybe a bit from an "instructional" sbs. I hope to correct that when the next trouser leg is sculpted.~GaryOriginally posted by Guy@Feb 1 2006, 07:56 PM
Looks great Gary..........keep those steps a comming!
Francesca, Thank you. Don't give up! I'm assuming you are using putty for your project. A suggestion may be to try a "practice run" with Sculpey. That way you might be able to plan out the way you want the folds to look. Roll out a "snake" of sculpey roughle the thickness of the leg you are sculpting. After baking the posed leg(s) put a layer of fresh sculpey over this. With this method you are not playing beat the clock and you'll be without the pressure that putty can bring.~GaryOriginally posted by fsdesimone@Feb 4 2006, 11:00 PM
Your nice pants have inspired me to try again though.![]()
I've decided for the time being to move onto another project, but that's a good idea - I have all this Sculpey just lying around that I haven't done anything with in months. And the hard part of mixing it with the black FIMO is already done! Man, my hands hurt for two days after that... :lol:Originally posted by garyjd@Feb 5 2006, 09:01 AM
Francesca, Thank you. Don't give up! I'm assuming you are using putty for your project. A suggestion may be to try a "practice run" with Sculpey. That way you might be able to plan out the way you want the folds to look. Roll out a "snake" of sculpey roughle the thickness of the leg you are sculpting. After baking the posed leg(s) put a layer of fresh sculpey over this. With this method you are not playing beat the clock and you'll be without the pressure that putty can bring.~Gary
Francesca, Sometimes it's best to put something on the backburner if it's not working out. When you're ready to get back to it, give the Sculpey a try.~GaryOriginally posted by fsdesimone@Feb 5 2006, 02:39 PM
I've decided for the time being to move onto another project, but that's a good idea - I have all this Sculpey just lying around that I haven't done anything with in months. And the hard part of mixing it with the black FIMO is already done! Man, my hands hurt for two days after that...
Thanks a lot Guy, I'm not alone in appreciating your vigilance on this site.~GaryOriginally posted by Guy@Feb 7 2006, 08:52 AM
It appears on my screen so Gordy must have repaired the snafu.