Hi Simon
Nice to have you back in one piece ...just !! ...lol
Nice work so far on this , coming along well now .....is the mace a Historex piece or did you sculpt ?
Which medals you going for ?
Have a good time @ BBQ ...a well deserved sausage for you young man
Looking forward to seeing more
Have fun @ the Bench
Loving the way he's taking shape.
Sounds good.
Hi Simon
looking at the reference , the do look quite large …….personally I would reduce the rounded areas a bit
…my thoughts !
HI Simon,
I think this is looking wonderful.
Can't answer for the epaulettes, but to me his left arm looks altogether too long, both upper and lower- is it a Historex one?
Another 100% organic modelling project from Briggsy!
Sorry to get here late.
I'm following at last.
Looks nice so far.
Perhaps ... perhaps... the blanket roll could be a touch flatter?